mauramalade Member


  • Maybe have a handful of raw almonds? That is usually my go-to if I get hungry mid-morning.
  • I am always over my protein, but tend to be under my fat and carbs. I feel that I eat pretty healthy, so I don't feel a need to change it.
  • My favorite breakfast is 2 scrambled egg whites with spinach, red onion and tomatoes. Today I added polenta instead of having a glass of milk and it was very filling. I like to add a bit of hot sauce to my egg whites to give them a little more flavor as well.
  • I work full time and I'm in school, so I make one big meal to bring for lunch every day, and usually make some kind of sandwich for dinner when I have class. I'm a big fan of quinoa and generally have some sort of quinoa salad every week, so unless it's for a special occasion, I generally know exactly what I need when I go…
  • I'm intrigued by quinoa in breakfast... Do you just cook some up and keep it in the fridge to throw into breakfast? I eat scrambled egg whites with veggies for breakfast every morning, but I'd be interested in trying quinoa with it as well because I keep hearing about it.
  • I like to do spicy with sweet... My favorite lunch is quinoa cooked in vegetable broth with a tsp of cayenne pepper, and then when it's finished & I mix in my veggies, I squeeze the juice from two limes. Such a good flavor combo!
  • Switch it up and instead of pecans do some raw almonds or walnuts. I keep a big bag of each in my desk at work. I agree with the apple/peanut butter combo. And if you got an insulated tote that could really help... you could bring some cottage cheese and put some of the walnuts in it and put some honey on top... so good!…
  • White bread/pasta/rice. Hoagies. Wings... I never knew wing sauce was mostly butter... that ruined my life :( Any beverage other than water/skim milk. I always think twice about dark chocolate, and then eat it :)
  • It's actually quite unhealthy to eat under 1200 calories.. 1200 is the bare minimum that your body can survive on, and giving your body less than that causes your body to not only store anything extra it happens to get as fat right away, but it also starts to eat away at itself when it's not getting what it needs. I'm…