kdolce15 Member


  • it could be that your calories are too low. Are you eating your exercise calories? I plateaued when I lowered to 1200 and lost a pound easily when I increased them.
  • Make your own pita pizza...... Use a pita pocket as your pizza base just use chicken (in Frank's if you want) or lean ham instead of peperoni and low fat mozzarella instead of full fat This is the perfect healthy family (husband) friendly meal around!!! Anything from goat cheese, roasted red peppers, and sun dried tomatoes…
  • What's the shake....I only like slim fast but I know it's not the best for me.
  • I just had a quick pita pizza Pita pocket bread I put a bit of olive oil and garlic (my husband likes pizza sauce) put whatever healthy toppings you like. I had baby spinach, broccoli, red peppers, light feta, and light mozzarella. Cook it in the toaster over at 425 for like 15-20 mins. SOOOOO AMAZING.
  • It is really helping with motivation, portion sizing, and really knowing what and how much I eat. It helps me make sure I eat low calorie but high impact foods to keep me full and satisfied!
  • A half a bowl of low fat, low calorie, high protein cereal is my ol' faithful.....plus milk (skim incld) digests as a solid... so it helps fill you up fast!
  • Please help keep me honest!
    in Newbie Comment by kdolce15 July 2010