ahhh help 10pm and im over

So i dont know what it is but i have been working out every day and yet i still end up going over my calories. i'm eating fine and excersising fine, but then i get hungry and go for a snack and i can't help having more than one. i'm basically 300 calories over. this has happened like the past 3 nights. anyone have any advice? or persuasive tactics haha


  • hkystar
    hkystar Posts: 1,290 Member
    try drinking some water when you feel hungry late. Its my only suggestion as its what I use to keep my eating down lower.
  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,689 Member
    Go to bed earlier? I try to keep fruit in the house, if I get a late snack craving, I'll have an apple or berries. That way if you do snack it will have a low calorie count.
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    I am only able to work out at night, after the house is asleep. If I ever go over my estimated goal, I just extend my workout to cover myself. During the day, drink a glass of water and then decide if you are really hungry, might help save some calories for the end of the day. Those are my ideas.
  • kdolce15
    kdolce15 Posts: 7 Member
    A half a bowl of low fat, low calorie, high protein cereal is my ol' faithful.....plus milk (skim incld) digests as a solid... so it helps fill you up fast!