need recipe help!!

acstein Posts: 55
My husband, while not really a picky eater, is a picky eater. He will eat most things, but made ceratin ways. He likes very robust flavors (so seasoning, marinading, is a must). While he will eat whatever I give him, he doesn't do it in the best of moods. I'm hoping to find some healthy recipes that have lots of flavor to offset some of the more bland ones I keep trying. We have found that what most people, including myself, find as good flavor, is mild and weak in flavor to him. I have been trying to figure this out for months now, even before I started on MFP, but I keep coming up with "weak" flavored foods. Can anyone help?!?!?!?


  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Check out the recipe page. There are some good, spicy, and healthy recipes in there.

    I just noticed this was posted in the recipe page :ohwell:. But, something tells me that the recipes that i suggested to my wife and she quickly shot down your husband would love.
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 672 Member
    I do all my cooking from I have never had a bad recipe from there and kids have even ate it everytime
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    Hard to go into a lot of detail, but food certainly should NOT be bland! There are so many seasonings available, but my favorite things to use to make flavor pop would be garlic, olive oil, and lemon juice. Rosemary and basil are probably the herbs I use the most. If you like spicy, red pepper flakes, creole seasoning for blackened chicken or blackened fish. Salad dressings explode with flavor if you use balsamic vinegar or red wine vinegar along with your favorite herbs and olive oil. Check out Eating Well or Cooking Light websites for specific type recipes; as I am sure there are tons of other such sites as well. Food should taste great and can still be healthy!
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    Does he like Chili? I have a great turkey chili recipe that you will fall in love with and its good for you to eat. Its also very quick and easy to make.
    5 Alarm Chili
    1 pound ground turkey
    1 onion chopped
    1 clove garlic
    1 green pepper
    14 oz pinto beans drained (salt free if possible)
    28 oz diced tomatoes
    1 tsp. oregano-1/2 tsp. cumin-1/2 tsp black pepper-1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
    Brown turkey with onion, garlic, and green pepper over medium heat. Drain. Add spices and beans stir one minute. Add tomatoes and bring to boil. Lower heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes stirring occasionally. You can make it spicier or milder if you like by adding or subtracting the cayenne pepper and cumin. This is great chili. I usually double the recipe so there will be extra for a few days. If you eat this it helps with weight loss as its very lean. Hope you and your hubby like it. Add me to your friends list if you like. Good Luck and healthy eating. My husband LOVES this chili,
  • kdolce15
    kdolce15 Posts: 7 Member
    Make your own pita pizza......

    Use a pita pocket as your pizza base

    just use chicken (in Frank's if you want) or lean ham instead of peperoni
    and low fat mozzarella instead of full fat

    This is the perfect healthy family (husband) friendly meal around!!!

    Anything from goat cheese, roasted red peppers, and sun dried tomatoes
    to your basic Hawaiian
  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    I second Cooking Light--lots of really good recipes that I find have lots of flavour (although I tend to find what others consider bland to be fine most of the time). But, yeah. Cooking Light is a good source.
  • recipe4success
    recipe4success Posts: 469 Member
    Personally i never find the amount of spices given in recipes to be enough, so i always add more of my own. If you are not sure about what to add, you can just add more of what they say in the recipe...but after awhile you get a good idea of what else you could add that would taste good in it. The only thing i stick to spice amounts for is baked goods, but savory foods...i always just adlib it.
  • acstein
    acstein Posts: 55
    Thanks everyone!! I have not looked at Cooking Light. I have tried sparkrecipes and eatingwell and I have only gotten 2 yesses out of about 60 dishes. He's so difficult. LOL. At least he eats it anyway. I'll keep trying things out and using your suggests. Again, thank you!!
  • mollycherndon
    mollycherndon Posts: 3 Member
    I also like Cooking Light. My husband and I eat a lot of homemade Spanish and Asian dishes with skinless chicken breasts or lean ground turkey because you can really add in as much or as little spice as you like to either. We use a lot of garlic, jalapeno, red pepper flakes, and cilantro in both. To make them healthy, I avoid using oil by using fat free cooking spray instead, non fat yogurt instead of sour cream on the Spanish dishes, and low sodium soy sauce on the Asian food. We have also made vegetarian versions of both, which are also tasty.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I have one of those too! I don't like my food as spicy as he does though. I have a lazy susan on the table that has different spices on it.... garlic powder, red chili flakes, tabasco sauce, black peppercorns, onion powder, dry Thai spices (he LOVES those), asian mix and sea salt. We have a variety of bottles in the fridge too... Thai peanut sauce, green chili sauce, horseradish, hot mustard, etc etc etc. He adds what ever he feels will "enhance" his food. Sometimes it gets weird, but hey, he's eatting it not me!