Dittomom Member


  • I really think this is a big part of my issue. It is hard to believe that some people struggle after losing 100 lbs but I do. It helps to know that others struggle with the same thing. I have tried comparing pictures but I just don't see it :( I know I am thinner. I have lost 3 jean sizes in the same brand/style of jeans.…
  • Thanks for all your support. It has been very helpful. I decided to post a pic on FB and ask for suggestions on how to celebrate and the feedback was phenomenal. I really appreciate all of the support I've gotten today!
  • It never gets into the minus numbers, at least not in my lifetime, but it can get down into the single and double digits. When it is a cold dry day it is not so bad but it can be 45 degrees and damp with a howling wind that will chill you to the bone. The only way I can get warm after that is a hot, hot shower.
  • Cold AND damp :) Even some of the northerners complain. The wind will chill you to the bone. I bundle up so much, I look like the Michelin man when I go out to feed the horses in the winter time. Thanks for the advice on the fruits. Anything warm, easy to fix and tasty you could recommend?
  • I have a co worker who is really into her weight management and has the body to prove it. Her husband is also a personal trainer. They both recommend upping your calories for a few days to help break the plateau. I recently hit a plateau and was so scared to up my calories. I upped them a little but it wasn't enough. A…
  • I have the Fit bit One. I got it because it is the only one that has an altimiter and counts stairs which I can do at work. Although they only count as steps, I am still motivated to take the stairs to see them add up on my dashboard. The other reason is that I had read in the reviews that the wristband types might count…
  • My horses are enjoying the cold weather. They got a little tired of the snow I think. I'm not enjoying the colder weather at all and having trouble staying motivated. I know spring is right around the corner and I need to be in better condition to get out and work and ride more. I've become a couch potato over the winter.…
  • It is so good to have other horse people on here. I don't think you have to be a rider to enjoy horses. There is always ground work and just owning and taking care of one is a joy. Look at all the people who have minis and don't ride. I think mini donkeys are just adorable! I want one!!! So what ways do you think you could…
  • Getting my dressage mare legged back up after about a year lay off. It felt so good to be riding her and she seems ready to go.
  • OMG! That is the cutest foal!! Love those eyes and that face. Love palomino and buckskin paints anyway but that baby is just too cute. How do you get your pictures on here? I've tried copy and pasting the image code and just copying and pasting the picture but its not working for me.
  • Absolutely beautiful paints jsecret! Love them both. I bet they produce some loud babies. Have you had any foals out of them yet? Must see pics of those too!! I give up. How do you post pics on here?
  • Awww, very NICE Dom82! I have a horse named TJ too. He is a short stocky little grade buckskin that will take me anywhere on the trails safely. I would post pics but haven't figured out how yet. I'll try again this evening.
  • Yay! More horse people!! I'm excited. What ways do you use your passion for horses to motivate yourself to exercise or eat healthier? I'm having such a tough time since I don't get to ride much this time of year. It is so hard to get the stars aligned right to get it done. I have to get home before dark and the weather has…
  • Great mewart10! Love to have you join us. I currently have 10 horses and ride dressage and western. I really like trail riding and showing. I took a few jumping lessons and enjoyed it but I'm not brave enough to do too much of that LOL. Hoping to reward myself for some weight loss over the winter with either an overnight…
  • Thanks! Hopefully she'll chime in.