I just reached the halfway point of my weight loss goal of 80 lbs. Instead of thinking about how much I've lost I seem to only be able to focus on how far I've got to go and it is depressing me. I am trying to celebrate this milestone. I know I've come a long way but I'm still 40 lbs overweight. I still have a hard time…
Trying to find a piece of exercise equipment that I will use during the winter. I have a recumbent stationary bike and I like and use, but it is uncomfortable. I've actually gotten to try out an Equicizer http://equicizer.com/ and they are a workout but fun too. If I can't ride my horse (major part of my exercise program),…
This year is the first year I have been successful in my weight loss goals. I started in the spring and have gradually lost over 25 lbs. It is currently watermelon season here in Texas and I am eating a ton of watermelon for snacks. Low cal, sweet, cool, fiber! As we start thinking about cooler temps I know I am going into…
I've been dieting off and on for many years and have lost the same 20 lbs so often I've lost track. I've tried every diet under the sun and had some success wit Adkins but could not live with it for over a year. Tried just calorie restriction to 1500-1800 calories per day and that was OK for a while but couldn't live with…
Just thinking about starting a support group of horse people using our passion for horses to help motivate us. If one has already been started could you direct me to them? If not, is anyone interested?