What I've discovered about grains

I've been dieting off and on for many years and have lost the same 20 lbs so often I've lost track. I've tried every diet under the sun and had some success wit Adkins but could not live with it for over a year. Tried just calorie restriction to 1500-1800 calories per day and that was OK for a while but couldn't live with that for long either. I do have some food sensitivities primarily to corn so I don't eat that much but other grains did not show up on that test. However, I still felt yucky, no energy and brain fog most of the time so I decided to eliminate gluten from my diet to see how that went. Well, it went very well! No sugar cravings to keep up my energy level, no brain fog and I felt pretty good. I basically eliminated all grain since I wasn't sure where I was getting the gluten from. I tried some gluten free packaged stuff but I didn't feel well on that either.

I'm having a hard time getting 1600 calories in daily since I'm not eating to try to feel more energetic. I still have starches and sugar, just no grain. The weight is steadily coming off and I feel so much better. It is not so restrictive as Adkins and I don't have to count carbs, just calories.

Anyone else have this experience?


  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Me personally, no, but food allergies are relatively common, for just about any food. It's good that you were able to sort it out for yourself.