peluzuff Member


  • I have had much greater success with MFP than WW. I lost 10 pounds at WW, then plateaued. Then I quite WW and gained 8 pounds back. Then I joined MFP and lost 24 pounds. I think its really a matter of "fit." Things I did not like about WW - there was a huge emphasis on how to "beat the system." I found everyone talking…
  • I am in week 7 of Insanity. I run 3 days a week, so I do insanity on the other 4 days, so it is not a pure program. I skip the rest day and a run on the recovery day, so I actually get 4 of the 5 regular workouts in each week. In any event, I could not get through the warm up the first week. I also have terrible upper body…
  • I just started today and the warm up for the fit test kicked my *kitten*! I finished P90X a couple of months ago, so I think I will adjust. Would love the company. so - please do add me to your list.
  • How did you do it? You look great!
  • The research on this topic is very clear. Self monitoring (logging) leads to the greatest success with weight loss. They say tracking food intake is effective and that tracking food AND exercise AND weight is even more effective. I think that is what this whole site is based on. This article from Weight Watchers explains…
  • Amazing! How did you do it?
  • I also take my heart rate by hand and then use an online calculator to determine the calories burned. Its pretty consistent from one day to the next, so i just created a new exercise in my profile with the calories. That way i don't have to go through that effort each time ... its in the system for each of the P90X DVDs.
  • You look amazing and I love your down to earth approach! Thanks for sharing!
  • I had this problem when I first started reducing my calorie intake and exercising. So, what I did was allow myself to eat any fruit or vegetable between breakfast and lunch, any amount ... it could be 3 apples or 2 bananas. Although this can add up in terms of calories, you will find you eat less at lunch and that makes up…
  • If you click on the link at the bottom of your first post you can see all the pics. Awesome job! You look great! Here is the link:
  • That was just the motivation I needed! I am also 44. Michelle is an inspiration! It also keeps me in check to know that it took her two years ... I have to remind myself that it takes time!