chellelbelle79 Member


  • I'm with you as well! I am a 35 year old Mom of a 13 year old. After work is chasing her to her activities and sitting to watch her. Making time to go to the gym is always a challenge. I have close to 200 lbs to lose and just started my journey about 2 weeks ago. Had a couple of losses those 2 weeks and this last week…
  • Hi to all! I also just started my journey this week and so far am doing okay! I have a hard time getting to the gym between running my 13 year old daughter to activities and just not having the energy, so I have been focusing on the eating for right now. My biggest struggle is actually getting close to the calories I am…
  • My goal weight is 150.00. I am currently 350. It will be a long journey, but this is where I am hoping to be.. eventually
  • I am currently 350 lbs exactly (weighed myself this morning) and just started my journey 2 days ago. I have a 13 year old daughter that I have the same fears as you do.. I want to see her graduate, I want to watch her get married and be able to do things with her. I regret that I let myself get this big and because of that…
  • I just turned 35 and have about 200 lbs to lose. I am on a long journey, but am also sitting all day long. In the evenings I don't want to move as I am exhausted and also it hurts to get up and move much. I face arthritis in almost all of my joints.. Today is just day 3 of my journey... I have tracked all 3 days.. stayed…