Looking for non-active newbies with 100 lbs to lose

Hi! I've decided it's time to change my life. I'm mid 40's, well over a hundred pounds overweight, have a sedentary lifestyle, and multiple medical issues. I want to be in this for the long haul and make reasonable lifestyle changes so I will stick with it. My goals for this month are:

-have a physical
-walk for 20 minutes a day three or four days a week
-do one set of light weights three days a week
-eat at least 5 fruits/vegs most days

I'm looking for other people with similar circumstances to join make these changes with me.


  • bhdon
    bhdon Posts: 117 Member
    Welcome and congratulations on setting reasonable goals! I'm 60 and started out with 100+ pounds to lose, and have lost 21 thus far. It's taking time, but I feel so much better. Friend me if you want.
  • lkh1234
    lkh1234 Posts: 41
    Hi! I am 46 and have lost over 100 lbs. from my heaviest weight. You can add me ,,, it can be done!! I have been logging now for 400 days !
  • klingonbarbie
    klingonbarbie Posts: 23 Member
    I'm 56, just hit the panic button from being over weight to obese, I need to loose 100lbs (2 year plan) and have medical issues, one which prevents me from going to the gym, I joined MFP a week ago & am upset that I only lost 2lbs, so I've now reduced my daily calorie allowance
  • Owl_Green
    Owl_Green Posts: 99 Member
    I'd be happy to lose 2 pounds in one week.

    I'm 45, I've been tracking since early November and have lost almost 30 pounds. I have another 50 or more to lose.

    Add me if you want.
  • klingonbarbie
    klingonbarbie Posts: 23 Member
    i thought I would have lost more as I literally cut all my fave dreaded 'c' foods from my1st week, I've just started to weigh my ingredients properly, I was guessing how much olive oil I was using, and my handful of nuts ( i have big hands) maybe ahd more calories than what the calorie checker brings up.

    how do you get your weight loss graph thing to show against all your posts & comments, i went to into the help area & got lost
  • Two pounds a week is a good weight loss! Seriously, congratulate yourself!
  • 38laura40
    38laura40 Posts: 62 Member
    Starting today ,my weight before this was 220 I am @ 208.4 looking to get down to 120. I have hip pain looking to get rid of and also having bad ankles makes it hard to run. My treadmill has different levels which today I am going to start at level one which is 20 mins of walking and running . Looking for friends.
  • chellelbelle79
    chellelbelle79 Posts: 5 Member
    I just turned 35 and have about 200 lbs to lose. I am on a long journey, but am also sitting all day long. In the evenings I don't want to move as I am exhausted and also it hurts to get up and move much. I face arthritis in almost all of my joints.. Today is just day 3 of my journey... I have tracked all 3 days.. stayed in my allotted calories. I have not had much exercise to this point, but.. now that I have been eating better, I have started getting the itch to go to Planet Fitness (which I bought a membership a few months ago and haven't been back since). Just remember to take one step at a time, one goal at a time, and remember.. if you eat less than perfect for one meal, it still didn't ruin your whole day! Together we can all do this!
  • morf13
    morf13 Posts: 151 Member
    I'm not a newbie, been a Member here for over a year,but like many others, fell off the wagon, and added weight on again. This site WORKS! When I was logging in religiously, and counting my calories, I lost 35 pounds in 3 months. I know that if I can log in to this site every day, and count my calories, and not cheat, the weight is GOING TO COME OFF, whether it's a half a pound a week, or two pounds a week. My mistake before was doing it for 90 days, amd then falling back into bad habits,I CAN'T let that happen again. I have to lose over 100 lbs as well, I am currently 367lbs, and want to get down to 235-245. Stick with it, and stay focused, and you will see see results. There are alot of Friendly people here to offer encouragement and advice. Good Luck!
  • morf13
    morf13 Posts: 151 Member
    Starting today ,my weight before this was 220 I am @ 208.4 looking to get down to 120. I have hip pain looking to get rid of and also having bad ankles makes it hard to run. My treadmill has different levels which today I am going to start at level one which is 20 mins of walking and running . Looking for friends.

    You can also do housework, which will be less stressful on your joints, ankles,feet,etc.... You would be surprised at how many calories you can burn doing 30 minutes of dusting,dishes,vacuming,etc
  • breakingbad01
    breakingbad01 Posts: 8 Member
    You can add me! I have over 100 lbs to lose :) It will be worth it in the end.