PWanks Member


  • Thanks! Can't wait to see them (in a non-creepy way, ha!). I'm actually really excited to see them. I've been away from family for so long, it'll be really nice! Although, wish I could stay longer!
  • Thanks for the kind words everyone!
  • Thanks! I've been at it pretty seriously since January but of course, I've enjoyed all the foods I've always loved, just less of them. My goal is set at 1200 a day but I ALWAYS eat back my exercise calories. 1200 is literally impossible for me like I don't think I've ever stuck below 1200. I didn't have a huge strategy for…
  • Don't forget about how many people may have noticed but feel awkward saying something. For some reason, people feel like it's not a compliment if they ask if you've lost weight. It's like they think you'd think they were calling you fat before or something. If that makes any sense, lol. I've only lost about 10 lbs - my mom…
  • Thanks everyone! Feels so nice to see all these positive comments. I'm not really a huge fan of working out so I like to change it up a lot so I don't get bored. I've done a bit of 30 Day Shred, Zumba, Combat and a core strengthening class called CX Works. When I don't feel like going to a class I just do about 45-50 min…
  • Yes, figured out the resize. Thanks for the compliments!
  • It's ideal if you can check out the menu online beforehand (most chain restaurants post their nutrition info online). That way, you can pick what you're going to eat and log it accordingly. If there's no nutrition info available to you, you can either ask for it at the restaurant or just be smart about what you choose and…
  • The best way to know for sure is to invest in a heart rate monitor. I bought one a couple weeks ago for the exact same reason. In my experience though, MFP was overestimating my calorie burn. 100 seems like very few for an hour's worth of exercising though. Were you very sweaty and winded or was it just very light exercise?
  • Popcorn! I have a Cuisinart popper that I love and I use 1/4 of Orville Redenbacher popping corn with some olive oil cooking spray. It comes out to be a nice big portion. I then use the cooking spray to give it a little coat (for stickiness) and shake on my favourite popcorn seasonings (I like white cheddar or nacho) and…
  • I weigh 148 and I wear a size 8. Oh and I'm 5'4.
  • The weight would be the accurate measurement. They just "estimate" that 28g would be 1/4 cup. Go by the weight.
  • I've never liked cottage cheese either but here's what I do and I love it: Peel and cut up a cucumber, add a capful of white vinegar, some chopped, fresh dill with salt and lots of pepper. Mix it all up with the cottage cheese and you have a great, protein packed "salad". It's the only way I eat it!
  • Not being able to stay within 1200 calories a day gives me motivation to exercise! It's really hard for me to stay within that as well so I eat my exercise calories and have no problem staying within my limit (I try to burn at least 200, if not more, every day so I get some more wiggle room). :)
  • I don't think the sugars in fruit are particularly harmful. I know when I did Weight Watchers, most fruit was 0 points because it understands that your body uses the sugar in fruit differently than it would the sugar in chocolate for example. Fruit doesn't make you fat. It's unprocessed and natural and it's good for you!
  • Thanks for the advice/words of encouragement. It really helps and makes me feel waaaay better!
  • Having those extra calories is what motivates me to work out. I find it really hard to stay within 1200 calories so I rely on my workout to give me some wiggle room. I say to myself, "If you go to the gym, you can have a cookie for dessert or a glass of wine with dinner." Stuff like that. It's worked for me so far! And I…