What are/were your snacks today?

brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
Based off of the "what was your lunch" thread. What did you eat for snacks today, or what are you planning to eat later?

Earlier I had a banana, and after my dinner settles I'm making a kefir banana smoothie for dessert! On the very unlikely chance I get hungry later, I'll have some baked pita crackers with sea salt.

How about everyone else?


  • jstreams
    parfait with yogurt (light), fresh strawberries and blueberries, and granola!
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    parfait with yogurt (light), fresh strawberries and blueberries, and granola!

    Mm, that sounds good! I love berries! :)
  • liftingbro
    liftingbro Posts: 2,029 Member
    So far just 180 calories worth of peanuts. But I love peanuts.
  • lorac321
    lorac321 Posts: 627 Member
    Right now I'm eating 100 calorie right bites... Mini Fudge Stribes by Keebler. Yummmmmmmy!
  • soontobeskinnysara
    soontobeskinnysara Posts: 177 Member
    ooooh I'm a snacker. Lately it's been brown rice cakes, loose granola, apples, and kale chips!
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    Liberte greek yogurt with strawberries on the bottom and half a small popcorn at the theatre tonight.
  • BluenoserChick
    BluenoserChick Posts: 106 Member
    Swiss cheese on Ryvita multi grain crackers, and a pineapple cup.
  • GinaSmash
    GinaSmash Posts: 37 Member
    I just printed out a coupon for skinny cow icecream. I'm thinking about giving it a try.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,427 Member
    I've had a Clif bar Mojo-Mountain Mix flavor; a gala apple with peanut butter and I will have a deep chocolate vitamuffin after dinner and probably a Chobani Greek yogurt at some point. Oh, and my daily chocolate chips :bigsmile:
  • loseweightjames
    Based off of the "what was your lunch" thread. What did you eat for snacks today, or what are you planning to eat later?

    I usually don't snack, are we suppose to?

    If I'm hungry I'll grab a can of tuna but that's not really what most people would call a "snack". I also eat a can or two for breakfast and another for lunch. They're cheap and filling and low calories, I'd have to eat ten 5 ounce cans a day to reach my daily calories.
  • PWanks
    PWanks Posts: 22 Member
    Popcorn! I have a Cuisinart popper that I love and I use 1/4 of Orville Redenbacher popping corn with some olive oil cooking spray. It comes out to be a nice big portion. I then use the cooking spray to give it a little coat (for stickiness) and shake on my favourite popcorn seasonings (I like white cheddar or nacho) and it usually works out to about 150 calories! Very yummy and filling. I even snuck some into the movie theatre the other night!
  • BreakingUpWithObesity2013
    100 calorie mini fudge stripes and carrots...weird combo yes lol but they were seperate snacks
  • Wolfena
    Wolfena Posts: 1,570 Member
    Today I ate a piece of cake at work (birthday cake) and at home I had a clementine & a Special K granola bar (so far)

    That's pretty mild for me, usually snacks are a lot more numerous for me!
  • milo28
    milo28 Posts: 42
    Yogurt with blueberries
    2 Mulitgrain Riveta Crackers with 1 tbsp pb
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    I just printed out a coupon for skinny cow icecream. I'm thinking about giving it a try.

    Oh my goodness, the caramel truffle are my favorite! Honestly, they are delicious. If it weren't for being so expensive I'd have them all the time. I'm not just saying that either, I'd honestly pick them over regular ice cream any day.
  • mylovelyhumps
    mylovelyhumps Posts: 16 Member
    100 calorie chocolate pretzels and later a protein smoothie (protein, banana, pistachio pudding mix)
  • aliciagetshealthy
    aliciagetshealthy Posts: 946 Member
    apple sauce, 4 sticks of extra key lime pie gum...and later, for my son-in-law's birthday, a small piece of cake
  • nurse_christieyne
    String cheese and an apple.
  • WanderLaura
    Kashi flax cereal dry and a quarter cup of grapes! :)
  • chelleymarie88
    Garlic Parmesan pretzel crisps.. Snack Factory...nomnomnomnom