Been very diligent for 2 weeks and nothing!

I'm feeling very frustrated. I've been on a 1200-1400 calorie diet (down a lot from what I used to eat) and I haven't lost an ounce. I was hoping with my size and weight goals I would lose at least a pound a week. I was very good with my diet about 1.5 years ago and got down from about 153 to 138 and then got back into old habits and gained it again. I wasn't exercising then like I am now. Now, I've been doing cardio every day and am disciplined with my eating and I haven't lost anything. It seemed to be much easier before. Is there a reason it's not coming off now? Should I just stick with it in the hopes it will work in the next few weeks? My boyfriend says it could be that I'm gaining muscle but I haven't done very much strength training at all. Thoughts? Suggestions?


  • kidrobot3
    kidrobot3 Posts: 63 Member
    if you are exercising a lot and not eating your calories back you might just be not eating enough.
  • kwehkweh
    kwehkweh Posts: 70 Member
    I'm not a certified trainer but I like to help friends that want to give weight loss a try. I'm finding that the women who are having the best results with a low calorie diet are also the ones who do weights 3 days a week and have 2 rest days from everything each week. I also know that as a female, our bodies like to hold us in suspense for some reason. It will do nothing one week and then all of a sudden the scale realizes we actually lost weight and it's like 5 lbs in a day.
  • Kalani2012
    I wouldn't worry about what the scale says now. I like pictures and a tape measure. You'll be amazed how the scale may only move a bit but the pictures change significantly.

    I don't know how much cardio or strength training you do, but if you can stand to bump them up, then do.
  • Jovette42
    Jovette42 Posts: 280 Member
    Do not be discouraged. I've been trying to lose weight for years :o lol My problem is eating. The way I pt (exercise) I should be a size 4. But hang in there, see what you are eating and if you are eating right you WILL lose it.:wink:
  • angraham2
    angraham2 Posts: 128
    It took at least 3 weeks before I lost my first half pound. Now I am about 40 days into it and my weight loss is taking off. Stay hydrated, the more water the faster you will loose. Also exercise and eat back some if not all the calories! Also measure, I am loosing inches faster than pounds.
  • Umpire57
    Umpire57 Posts: 389 Member
    Be very diligent for 2 more weeks and 2 more weeks and so on and so on.
  • PWanks
    PWanks Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for the advice/words of encouragement. It really helps and makes me feel waaaay better!
  • bandj75
    I had the same issue and found that I was over estimating the calories I was burning during exercise. My machine was telling me I was burning heaps more than I actually was. Once I adjusted the calories burned to a more realistic level and stuck right on 1200 a day, the weight very reliably came off at 0.5 -1 pound a week. Hope this helps! PS, machines tend to over estimate calories burned. The MFP exercise database estimate is much more reliable.
  • FiremanSam111
    Hi! Congratulations on your decision to change your life :happy:
    Right, 2 weeks is not long enough yet to see a great deal of results, and your bf is right, you have most likely gained muscle. If new to cardio, you will still gain muscle, just not bulky muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat, it also burns calories for you while you are resting, and even in your sleep (YAY!). Make sure you stick to those calorie goals, if you eat too little your body will think it's starving and will strip muscle and save fat. Fat is our bodies ultimate survival tool. It will cling on to it like crazy if in fear of not having enough energy to feed the vital organs. Next, your body will be going through a cycle of change as it adjusts to your new lifestyle. You may be retaining a bit of water too. Remember, it took a long time to gain the weight, it takes a long time to lose it too. The lifestyle you are choosing will reward you. Lastly, don't bother too much with the scales because of the whole muscle weight thing. Use a tape measure on your're thighs, arms, abdomen and bust once a week, and log those measurements instead. I use a tape, and also the mirror. My body has changed a lot in 6 weeks, plus I feel great. I bet too, that your bf will be able to see differences, and be more than happy to point them out :tongue: Good luck, and be patient!!
  • Gshields42
    You are probably eating a touch lighter than you should be, but not to any sort of ridiculous amounts. Probably should increase your average intake by a couple of hundred calories and see what happens. As the others said, give it some time.
  • duckpond11
    duckpond11 Posts: 197 Member
    you could be retaining water from the increased exercise. I'd give it 2 more weeks before considering a change.