purpletunic Member


  • I had a throat infection at the beginning of my weight loss journey. Because of it I was only able to do liquids for a couple weeks and my stomach shrank. I really didn't eat much but I tried to make the food I did eat count. Protein, vitamins etc. Not saying it was the ideal way to lose weight... But that's what happened…
  • Just wanted to add my input. I've been doing 1200 calories and sometimes I'm slightly over, others I'm under by 50 or so calories... Everyone's body is different. A lot of people have better results on a higher amount of daily calories, but for me, I never have. I'm 180 lbs, and when I upped my calorie level I found it…
  • I did eat during the day, but very sparingly. I had half a slimfast shake for breakfast and two of those tiny chicken nuggets for lunch. I finally ate some chicken and flaxseed with potato puffs (like taters) for dinner but at that point i was so hungry that it didn't fill me.
  • Hi there! I've been using this site on and off for years! Last time I used it for three weeks and lost 8lbs! Then I had thanksgiving and fractured my foot with too much Billy Blanks, and gained it all back. I'm trying again too, and hopefully this time it will stick. If you want a buddy for moral support, add me :) I'm…