

  • I go swimming, boogie boarding, rafting, kayaking (are you sensing a pattern...pretty much anything to do with water) and also go hiking in the Sierras, walk around SF, etc. I'm sure there's other stuff, but that's all I can think of right now.
  • I'm in! I think the longest time in a row I went with it was around 10 days, so here's to hoping I hit 30!
  • Why do you people like this thread so much?
  • As some women on here have pointed out, you should probably add on more than 25 lbs. I’m personally adding on 25 lbs (because that’s the healthy average for everybody, including all heights and ages) but I didn’t take into account height, so probably at least 35 lbs would be more realistic and healthy. Where did you get…
  • 6'2" lady here. The best way to figure out your ideal height is to find out your lean body mass. Your lean body mass is essentially everything but your fat (muscles, bones, organs, etc). Then, add on 25 pounds for fat, and that's your goal weight! I have a lean body mass of 156 (I have a lot of muscle, so my lean body mass…
  • Thanks! I'm going on a 8-day vacation at the end of this week and will be eating out every day, so here's to hoping I'm able to keep at it! I hope you have a fantastic Christmas (or whatever is is that you celebrate)! :bigsmile: