cdorsey7194 Member


  • Same here. At least 100 to lose. I have lost and gained the same 50 many times.
  • I am just like you. Not a morning person at all, however, I have found that I love Zumba. You really do have to find something you enjoy. Dancing makes everyone happy!
  • Hello, I am experiencing the same thing. I had lost 50 pounds about 10 years ago and slowly but surely it has crept back on. I have no motivation. It was so easy to lose it the first time. I try and walk 2 miles a day and have started Zumba. The first week I weighed and hadn't lost I just gave up. I know I must keep going,…
  • I have always wanted to be a runner but at 260 pounds I don't know. Anyway I recently got a treadmill and I try to walk and run when I use it. When being the key word. You can do it. You seem very motivated and since you have already signed up, you are locked in. Good Luck Cynthia Dorsey
  • Same here. I have done the weight watchers program so many time I should be able to write a book. Lol. I have gained and lost the same 50 pounds many times. This time I am gonna try the calorie counting too. Good Luck. We can do it!