25+ challenge Mud Run

I've been running...well, kind of sort of....once in a while....for a mile or two.

Yesterday I signed up for a 6 mile 25+ obstacle course. It's in 7 weeks. This is absolutely crazy, I know it is! I'm going full bootcamp workouts. I really just want to be able to complete this course! It's very intimidating...

I hope like hell I can do it!

Any opinions/encouragement/ideas?


  • cdorsey7194
    cdorsey7194 Posts: 8 Member
    I have always wanted to be a runner but at 260 pounds I don't know. Anyway I recently got a treadmill and I try to walk and run when I use it. When being the key word.
    You can do it. You seem very motivated and since you have already signed up, you are locked in.
    Good Luck
    Cynthia Dorsey