

  • I say light breakfast, light lunch then calculate what you can eat. If you can eat a burger with cheese and 1 chicken leg then do it and eat them *so slowly* and savour every single little morsel and eek that burger and chicken leg out to last ages and ages. Calories are calories, if they aren't as nutritious as others who…
  • There has to be 9 people thinking 'way to go' for every 1 person too stupid or naive to understand and rude enough to make derogatory gestures and comments, now hopefully that 1 person will now think twice and realise that this person is doing something to make things better. Way to go :)
  • Go for it, commit. I've run three 1/2 marathons and done one sprint tri-athlon so far... I do it for the t-shirt and the medals :wink: A few things: 1) It won't necessarily make you thinner, especially if you eat your excercise calories (try not to eat more thinking 'I'm training')! 2) It WILL make you fitter if you do all…
  • I'm glad its been bumped! I've read the newbies threads and the various posts about not to eat below your BMR but I seem to be in the same position as a lot of people: My BMR is ABOVE what MFP says to eat: My BMR is 1500ish and MFP advises 1200 a day. I've only been on 1200 a day for about 5 days now but I've felt faint,…
  • I'm so glad you posted this, I've had a constant headache for the last four days but am drinking plenty and haven't cut back on the tea - I'm an Air Traffic Controller - I NEED my tea! Hopefully it'll stop as my body gets used to not getting so much junk!
  • Loving the MyFitnessPal app. Will have to try the tracker apps - at the moment I just plot my runs/walks/cycles etc into - its great for planning a new route as well - especially if you need certain distances for a training program for a race.
  • Aha, so did I though I may regret it some days! Yesterday was day 1. I downloaded the app at 2pm and after entering all the junk I'd eaten I was already well over 2000 calories. Bit better today - though I'm trying not to go down the whole 'I'm only going to eat diet versions of foods' path - I'm going to try to still…
  • I probably would but I don't know how!!! It would beat reading the gossip mags where they show the diets of celebs - all grilled chicken and sushi prepared by private chefs just does not motivate me!
  • I recently did a triathlon and trained a reasonable amount for around 10 weeks before hand and PUT ON weight - about 4 or 5 pounds... the reason? I figured I was training so I could eat whatever I fancied!!!
  • So far on this site I've read ONE thread and got TWO new happy dieting thoughts/mantras! I'm really glad we can post about wanting to get in the lower end of BMI and not be thought of as having some sort of eating disorder! AND I've never heard the term 'happy weight' but that is exactly what I want to get back :D I'm…