Food Diaries

Is anyone else the same as me ,I love to read other peoples food diaries ,gives you some great ideas ,plus I guess I am really nosey :laugh:


  • kimbishopp
    kimbishopp Posts: 10
    I probably would but I don't know how!!! It would beat reading the gossip mags where they show the diets of celebs - all grilled chicken and sushi prepared by private chefs just does not motivate me!
  • goatskinlegs
    goatskinlegs Posts: 40 Member
    you can read mine any time, I've got nothing to hide :happy:
  • Alleghany
    Alleghany Posts: 200
    Mine's open to all. Good, bad & ugly.
  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    Just realised mine is only open to friends will change it now as I thought it was for all ,your right much better to see what "normal " people eat ,think if you go to settings you can change it there

    goatskinlegs cant read your diary :sad: :laugh:
  • kimbishopp
    kimbishopp Posts: 10
    Aha, so did I though I may regret it some days!

    Yesterday was day 1. I downloaded the app at 2pm and after entering all the junk I'd eaten I was already well over 2000 calories. Bit better today - though I'm trying not to go down the whole 'I'm only going to eat diet versions of foods' path - I'm going to try to still enjoy what I eat, just less of it!
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    mine's public. :)
  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    Lovely more to look through :smile: