Help deciding to run 1/2 marathon

pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
Okay everyone - this weekend is decision time. I need help to decide on committing to run the Detroit 1/2 marathon in Oct. It's something I really want to do but next year may be better - being at my goal weight (43 more pounds to lose) would be better on the knees and I've heard that people don't lose much while training. I can run (really it's a slow jog) 6 miles now even through it's a slow pace - do I really want to train for 13.1???

If I decide to do it, is anyone else ready to start training with me for support?


  • indybrown
    indybrown Posts: 31
    Do IT!!! I "walked" the Indianapolis Mini-Marathon many years ago and I was overweight and was able to complete it, ahead of many others even. The sense of accomplishment and pride in yourself when you cross that finish line is like none other. If you can at least run half of it, you're good...YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • trainguy917
    trainguy917 Posts: 366 Member
    If I were as close to my goal as you are to yours, I would definitely do it. I plan to do one in April and another in August. Training for it can really help you stay motivated.
  • lrmoore13
    lrmoore13 Posts: 16
    Commit now. Send them your money. It is easy to make a commitment now because it is far enough away that it is possible. Wait another month, and it will become impossible, or something better will come up. Whats the worst case scenario, you have to walk the last few miles? Just do it :)
  • TnTHawkins
    TnTHawkins Posts: 285 Member
    I'm currently training to do my first 1/2 marathon on Dec 5 in Dallas this year. I have signed up and commeted to doing it. You should be able to do it if you can currently jog 6 miles without walking. That is the furthest that I have run without stopping even if it was on a treadmill. I'm going to go out really early on Sunday morning before the heat and humidity to see if I can do the same outside.

    I will be glad to help if you choose to execpt the challange of the 1/2 marathon. Good Luck.
  • FitToBeFab
    FitToBeFab Posts: 537 Member
    DO IT!!

    I ran a half marathon back in feb. (well, ran is a strong word. I jogged in bewteen walking the aid stations after the first five miles) It was amazing! It's the greatest feeling in the world, no matter what your time ends up being. Because think of how many people you can tell 'Oh yeah, I ran a half marathon. Nope, not even at my goal weight yet!" You won't regret it.
  • Commit now. Send them your money. It is easy to make a commitment now because it is far enough away that it is possible. Wait another month, and it will become impossible, or something better will come up. Whats the worst case scenario, you have to walk the last few miles? Just do it :)

    I AGREE! yeah! go for it. You can do it. From what your are doing already, you are quite capable! You can do it!
  • kimbishopp
    kimbishopp Posts: 10
    Go for it, commit.

    I've run three 1/2 marathons and done one sprint tri-athlon so far...

    I do it for the t-shirt and the medals :wink:

    A few things:
    1) It won't necessarily make you thinner, especially if you eat your excercise calories (try not to eat more thinking 'I'm training')!
    2) It WILL make you fitter if you do all the training properly
    3) If you train properly it will be easier on the day
    4) If you don't train properly you can probably still do it with the motivation and adrenaline on the day, but it'll hurt more after!
    5) Don't worry about the speed - I always have the volunteers clearing up the cones behind me and people in big costumes overtaking me but who cares!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Thanks for all the encouragement. I ran my own 10K today in 1 hour 22 min and decided to go ahead and train. I came home and registered right away for the 1/2 Marathon on Oct 17th. 15 weeks to train - EEEEKKKK. I printed out a schedule and should be able to do it running Tues, Thur and Sunday.
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    My friend and I just committed today to do the one in Victoria BC on 10-10-10. We already have a base of 7 miles ( that is what we are up to) so the training should go fairly well!
    I have 13.5 pounds left to go to reach my goal, I hope and pray I reach my weight loss goal by then as well. :)
    Good luck to you!!:drinker:
  • pinbotchick ---great time!
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