I think he is just an all over.....every girl....yes lol
Lol I'm sure you'll have a few takers:wink:
I'm cool!
LOL I know someone like this! Make sure someone gets it on video please!
and slammed into the side
I'm just gonna save you time, skip the test and go straight for the grade. D-
Sorry new hire but you got to go! I don't even know your name but that little attitude, no thanks!
Where the F is his shirt to begin with???
I swear i only did it once!
Well I would!
Only the second one has my vote.
This SO reminded me.... Yesterday in class: A classmate named Martin who is very different then most of the students i have me(For more than one reason) said something. He didn't go to school out here until college so his responses and answers are somewhat funny simply because they are not what we expect and are used to.…
I confess, I told a 3 year old at work yesterday the toilet in our classroom was pregnant so we needed to go to the one down the hall. She kept saying WHY! I didn't know what else to say...
I have to catch up to yall! I'm in the middle of my second year, fourth semester.
since nobody had called her
Ive gotten pulled over for looking like an under-aged teen driving without an adult...smh
Not all of us do it.....but we like to be creepy sometimes...and our brains aren't fully functioning til we hit 25:wink:
That was pretty funny:) thanks! needed that:)
The rain pounded the windshield, the radio blaring my song, as I drove back to Kansas to see my aunt, her voicemail fresh in my mind. Unfortunately, I saw flashing lights up ahead in the distance. I saw a shimmering light past the tower of Evan's Discount BBQ and Nail Salon. Even if she hadn't said
I have three jobs: Babysitting Childcare worker Retail-sales associate I love them all:)
Probably nobody has my name Eloise
1. What did you have for breakfast? Milk Chocolate M&M's 2. How much water do you drink per day? About 32 oz 3. What are your favorite snacks? Chocolate lol 4. How many calories do you eat per day? Of late, hardly any 5. What do you generally eat for lunch? Whatever is in the frig 6. Favorite body part to train? Um..... 7.…
I grew up with two brothers and a dad. (and one sister) i just get along with guys better. I dont like the same things a lot of girls like to do or talk about.
Close...two days apart July 17th:)
The rain pounded the windshield, the radio blaring my song, as I drove back to Kansas to see my aunt, her voicemail fresh in my mind. Unfortunately, I saw flashing lights up ahead in the distance. I saw a shimmering light.... past the tower of Evan's
I just cant do it. Both, its has to be both
I just got out of a long distance relationship. About an hour away. And personally it sucked. He was always so far away. I saw him once or twice a week. Never again! Not my type of relationship.