

  • My advice is to start really slow. Run at a slow pace and pick a short goal (like once or twice around a track) or a half mile. Even just run/walk for a while. The treadmill is not always a good judge of whether you like running or not. I have to utilize the treadmill once in awhile due to scheduling and weather issues and…
  • I dropped my gym membership a year ago due to extra expenses our family had. I might get a short term one for the winter (it's so rainy here!). Anyway I have instant netflix and I switch between the Crunch videos and 10 minute solution videos. I like using Netflix because then I don't have to buy a bunch of DVDs. I can…
  • I am a long distance runner and picked it up about ten years ago (but took long breaks in between having babies). Best advice is to find a shoe that works for you and stick with it. We live pretty frugally and I can't afford $100.00 everytime I need a new pair. I utilize Craig's List and ebay. I have gotten my favorite…