

  • Lost my yoga mojo for a bit.. back at it tho.. jus sayin hi! Glad to be back!! Hope u all are well:happy:
  • Hi there Goblin.. I am also new to the group, actually to the Website. I was looking for a supportive community regarding weight loss, and was so excited to see a yoga group also! I have mentioned before that I had a strong practice about 3 or so years ago, for about 1 and 1/2 years.. (4x a week).. but then, life, surgery,…
  • Last night in class someone was gently snoring next to me in shavasana.. :happy: So, I'm thinking that if that pose is that comfortable.. do it! You can always make snuggle time, and still sleep really well! My hubby says I frequently end up on my back with my arms thrown over my head sleeping. He doesn't know how I do…
  • @Amanda... I totally understand where u are coming from my dear.. one of the most important things to remember, for me, has been that yoga is noncompetitive. Trust me, this is difficult for me now, being 20 lbs. heavier. And since my hiatus, there are even more poses I cannot do.. So, I am trying to remember, that my…
  • Girl.. I'm with ya! I have a 20lb weight loss goal.. so far I have lost 2 lbs. I have had a rotten day today.. I blew it already, and its' only 230 in the afternoon! Sigh! California based... here is to your success! :)
  • Hi lovely ppl! Got a few well needed smiles and giggles with your posts! ie.. belly and twists, belly and plow pose..:laugh: .Ended up in an advanced class by accident New Years Eve morning.. this was hilarious. I had left my water bottle at home, so I filled up a 7 up bottle with water, and I could just feel the eyes upon…
  • Hi! I'm new to the group..I wanted to share with you , that I have realized my family sayz.. "Oh, baby, you are beautiful", "oh Mom, you look great!".. but I am totally dissatisfied. So, it is up to me! I have set a personal goal of fitting into the jeans I felt the sexiest in! (Only a woman would understand! ) So, its'…
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