joe7880 Member


  • It was a serious question. I lost a good deal of weight since being here, and even more since I was at my heaviest and wondered if listing weight loss as an accomplishemnt would help. Apparrently NOT lol. But I must add that I think the effects of losing weight (increased confidence, stamina, better looks, etc) definitely…
  • My wife currently has a similar job and after 4 years, she got a promotion to a more interesting job with a much higher salary. She has a bachelor's degree from a state school with high grades (yada, yada, yada)... What I'm saying is you have to pay your dues. "over a year" is nothing in experience. If I was you I would…
  • I would just like to point out that the person who decided to do MFP and start exercising is the one in the relationship who changed. The S.O. is the one who stayed the same in a lot of these situations where there is sabotage. I'm lucky that my wife decided to change with me (mutual decision) but if your S.O. doesn't want…
  • Brooklyn Brewery and Blue Point Brewery are two of my local favorites.
  • That "film" and the trolls looking for a fight on the forums is a small price to pay for a free society, but what Romney said was correct; there is a base of people who are dependent on the system who will never vote for a person who advocates personal responsibility, and that he has to focus on the people who would vote…
  • My wife and I both lost weight since we got married in Jan 2011. She lost 50 lbs and I lost a little over 40 lbs so far. Our motivation to live a healthier lifestyle is based on wanting to teach our future children how to live healthy (IMO the best way to teach a kid anything is to lead by example), and to live a long…
  • I don't know much about how this works but I would contact child services in your state. Since your profile says your from Indiana, start here: Good luck.
  • Great work! Don't forget to send out for that t-shirt; you def. earned it!
  • Don't feel bad about having fried chicken...just log it. IMO, if I didn't have "bad" food every so often I think I would go a little nutty! Your doing great BTW so don't sweat it and keep on moving forward.
  • I'm 6'2" and went from 285 to 247 so far. Not done yet and would appreciate support from my fellow big fellows. Please add me and inspire each other to get to our goal!
    in Big Men Comment by joe7880 August 2012
  • I donate my clothes. I make it a point to make a donation list and then bring it to a place that gives you a receipt instead of just dropping them in the donation bins that are in the back of shopping centers. I use the good will/salvation army list that the IRS (US) reccomends to tally up the clothing's value and deduct…
  • I don't really care but it would be nice if it inspires somebody to start working out.
  • I don't think snacks like french fries and brownies are "bad" but it usually takes a lot of calories worth of it to satisfy me. Eating the same volume of fruit satisfies me just as good as the french fries or brownies but has much less calories.
  • I was told that if you do both in a session, and are looking to lose weight, lift weights first because lifting will deplete the glycogen reserves in your muscles, which will help your body go into "fat burn" mode faster when you're doing cardio later.
  • Sorry to hear that your Kindle went missing but don't rush to judgment that the person who found it acutally stole it. I would post a note about the missing Kindle or maybe even call the apartment complex's main office to see if it was dropped off with them. Maybe a good person found it and decided to hold it for safe…
  • This news is a distraction from the real important issues such as the rising obestiy epidemic, poor economy, debt crisis, war, etc. Well at least we are doing something about one of those issues by participating here. EDIT: good for A.C.
  • Looks like other members put in the calories for some items at outback already. Maybe you should take a look at them to help you decide what to eat. Edit: what you picked sounds good also btw!
  • First thought that comes to mind is if you want more male attention, put bacon in your purse :smile: But seriously, congrats on your accomplishment and in this department I would think the quality of men hitting on you would be much more important than the quantity.
  • Vegetables and exercise are an acquired taste. Keep on eating the veggies and working out and your opinion on both of them will change.
  • Congrats and thanks for posting your sucess story. I'm inspired by it big time. I'm just curious if you are maintaining now or still losing weight and what are you doing nutritionally now? Still eating 1600 calories? Thanks!
  • Not a runner or endurance athlete but is it possible that you need to drink more water? I get similar feelings of hunger when I forget to drink enough water. BTW kudos on training for a marathon which is awesome and I wish well on that. Edit for wordiness.... said water too much!
  • :laugh: At my previous job the air conditioning was shut down in August so I had a fan blowing on me to try and keep cool. I just got back from eating chipotle and was working and I had the urge so I passed gas. About 10 seconds later one of my supervisors comes into my office to drop off paperwork. The fan was aimed…
  • My type has definately changed.... That is, my wife has made the decision to lose weight and live a healthy life style with me and she went from a size 18/20 to a size 10.
  • My advice to you is to direct you to Sonny from A Bronx Tale who said to go for the one that puts wind under your sails because at the end of the day when you’re under the sheets and it’s just the two of you nothing else matters.
  • Dream Job: Lawyer Actual Job: paper pusher for ALJ's.... after leaving "dream job" for a few additional thousand dollars =(
  • You should embrace and celebrate a free bagel =) and plan out the day accordingly.
  • Having that feeling of being starved when you get home can really hurt you nomatter what your good intentions are. You should consider drinking a tall glass of water and having a healthy snack sometime before you leave work. I like having an apple or a fiber one brownie in the late afternoon because without it I will be…
  • I think potassium rich foods (bananas) could help also.
  • Your situation reminds me of an episode of intervention where a drug addicted woman tried getting clean while living with her drug addicted man, except switch junk food with drugs of course! Needless to say it didn't work out with them and she ended up moving on. I'm not suggesting that you move on but maybe the junk food…