

  • slivered almonds, dried cranberries and home made maple walnuts, goat cheese , feta or a few gratings of parmesan cheese , bacon bits found in the produce section have little calories and fat
  • I hear you! The other night Ice Cream was just SCREAMING at me! Thank God I had stocked the freezer with sugar free and I only had 1/2 cup. Certain times of the day are worse for me and I just started on the 26th of January! I can say tho that I feel better , I may of only gone down 2 lbs but I sure feels like more. It…
  • I live in Idaho we do have some health food stores here but it is an hour away from where I am. I am in a somewhat remote logging town with a bunch of rednecks HA!
    in Acai Comment by xrayu2 January 2009
  • Mine are in capsues, can you get it in a powder form or did you just empty the capsules?
    in Acai Comment by xrayu2 January 2009
  • Has anyone tried Acai? I heard it is a great antioxident b vitamins, minerals and omega 3's , fiber and helps with energy . I got some to try but have only used it for one day so far.
    in Acai Comment by xrayu2 January 2009
  • ACKKKK! Now I am scared! I started taking it because I had a hystro last december and my hormones got all out of whack and I started being crabby and then sad and then depressed and weepy. My doctor recommended it and when I started it I felt better. I have only been on it a couple of months ( maybe 3) and I the last few…
    in lexapro Comment by xrayu2 January 2009
  • I do take Vitamin D, around 2000 mg a day. It has mad a huge difference in how I feel and I have not been sick in a very long time * knocks on wood** :wink:
    in lexapro Comment by xrayu2 January 2009
  • Thanks and i TOTALLY agree with the exercise thing. I felt so much better when I was walking. I have not been because it is only 17 degrees here. I hope it warms up soon so I can get treckin again. Also, too cold to take my little Yorkie with me and I cant find his *man* coat any where heh heh!
    in lexapro Comment by xrayu2 January 2009
  • Is anyone else out there taking lexapro or something similar? I think some of my weight gain came from taking it. I did not take it for a couple of days and I started having hot flashes and night sweats! I am back on but I really want to taper off and heard that it is hard. ??
    in lexapro Comment by xrayu2 January 2009
  • I am a mom of triplets that will soon be 24. They were 5 weeks early and ALL weighed around 5 lbs! I cant imagine how uncomfortable this woman might be ( or was from the sound of the posts) I felt ready to burst when I had mine and was VERY uncomfortable. But, my pregnancy occured naturally and I could not imagine having…
  • Otay! Thanks for the pointers!!
  • So I thought I would have something sweet..... I only had 5 kisses and when I went to add them up you could only choose 9 Holy Crap!!!! 230 calories???? !!:noway: Fruit is looking really good!
  • Is any one out there using alli? I am and was wondering how others are doing. I am eating a good diet too and limiting my fat to less than what that diet recommends. Man, do you know it if you eat too much fat! For me, it is not to bad but just a reminder if I do.
    in alli Comment by xrayu2 January 2009
  • Hi there, New to this board, was just looking for an online way to track what I eat to help me shed a few lbs, well 20 actually! Funny how things just get a way from you , eating habits that is! So nice to have a place where you can actually keep track of things and for me, not loose all those little pieces of paper heh.…
    in Hello :~D Comment by xrayu2 January 2009
  • Hello! I am new here but can totally relate to your problem! Magnesium. magnesium magnesium!! Any time you have heart burn , you cannot OD on it and your body needs it. I took Nexium, prevacid and MANY others for over 7 years. It got so they did not help at all. I read on a health blog the benifits of magnesium and…