kritney Member


  • Happy Friday ladies!
  • Hi ladies! It's good to be back :) I had to step away for a little bit in May as there was just too much going on. With Mother's Day, 2 birthdays, 2 office parties and a wedding I feel like I spent the whole month eating cake and party foods! So my goals for June are all about getting (and staying) back on track. I gotta…
  • Just popping in really quick to say hello. I'm running late and will try to check back in later.
  • Michele - I work as a histotech in a hospital lab and the certification is for that. CJ - we've had several days of rain here too. I think even the worms are getting sick of it. No workout this morning but work keeps me walking a lot during the day so I'm gonna count that Lol.
  • Hi girls! So sorry I wasn't around more the last few weeks. I'm studying for a certification test for work and it's kicking my butt. I'll be so glad when it's done. There's a lot going on in May but my goals include being more consistent with my workouts, eating clean and posting here. I gotta run for now to get ready for…
  • Good morning! I missed checking in for a few hours and this page has exploded with posts! I love it!! I'm still trying to catch up with everything though and I'm sorry if I've missed anybody's posts. This is a great, active group and I'll definitely be checking in more frequently. I did the sit and rise test and got down…
  • Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! Michele in NC: I'm in China Grove, near Salisbury.
  • Hi ladies! This year I decided to re-commit myself to MFP with a goal of consistently logging my eats and workouts but find myself struggling to keep it real. I just found this great group this morning and wanted to jump in. I'm soon to be 48, and am currently in the low 190s with a shoulder issue that makes pushups and…
  • I tried to join yesterday but don't seem to be in yet. Are you still adding people?
  • I totally need this! I'd love the accountability and support.
  • Name: Kristi Age: 47 Height: 5'5" Start Weight (1st June): 199.2 Goal Weight (1st July): 190.0 1st June: 199.2 8th June: 197.0 15th June: 22nd June: 29th June: 1st July: Weight lost/gained this week: 2.2 pounds Weight lost/gained this month: 2.2 pounds Successes/struggles this week: This week I struggled with staying on my…
  • I weighed this morning so here goes: Name: Kristi Age: 47 Height: 5'5" Start Weight (1st June): 199.2 Goal Weight (1st July): 190.0 1st June: 199.2 8th June: 15th June: 22nd June: 29th June: 1st July: Weight lost/gained this week: Weight lost/gained this month: Successes/struggles this week: Good luck everyone!!
  • I'd love to join this! I'll post my info on the 1st.
  • Request sent!
  • Hi Sandeerah I'm doing great. I hear ya on the planks!! It's going pretty good though overall.
  • Hi everyone! Got off track a bit but am back now. Just finished lower focus and am still feeling it! I'm in week 3 which is usually where I start to lose steam but that is NOT going to happen with T25! I am committed to finishing the whole program and rockin my results!
  • Hey everyone since I seem to be on Facebook ALL the time lately, please feel free to friend me there too:
  • I missed Friday's workouts so now I'm a little off track. I did the lower focus today (hope I can walk the rest of the day!) and tomorrow I will do the cardio workout and then I will be back on track for Monday.
  • Well last night my internet was acting up so I need to do a little bit of catching up now. Yesterday I did ab intervals and thought it was the hardest workout yet. I'm apple shaped so really have to work on my abs/mid section. Ember - Welcome! Are you following the nutrition plan that came with the DVDs? I'm using it for…
  • Woo Hoo! Everyone seems to be off to a great start. Today I did total body circuit and it was tough! I definitely need to build up my upper body strength for the plank and pushup exercises! I used the modifier a lot here. The 25 minutes seem to just fly by.
  • Great job Brandy! Prepping ahead of time is going to be key for me to be successful. Good luck to you!
  • bellefille - welcome! The modifications are definitely a good thing, I was still sweating! Hopefully you can transition but I think the modified workouts will still get you good results, especially if you are watching what you eat and drinking enough water. Good luck to you! Let us know how you are doing when you get…
  • Sandra - yes, please stay! The more the merrier, right!?! We'll get through it together :) Kris - welcome! So glad to have you join our group. I'm excited and looking forward to getting some great results and having the support and accountability of the group will really help.
  • I don't have a HRM right now either as mine quit working a while back. I'll look for something to help calculate a calorie burn too and let you know if I find anything.
  • burkhart_h - That's great! Are you getting good results? I can't wait to start it.
  • I started a group for anyone that wants to join there. I can't wait!
  • Great job! I do my workouts in the morning and find that it just works better for me that way. I just started the Max workouts this week and they are killer but fun! Good luck :)
  • I'm officially starting today and so to be fully accountable I am updating my starting weight. As of this morning I am up to 199.
  • Hi everyone! I'm Kristi, 45 years old and 5'5" tall. SW: 191 GW: 151 UGW: 125
  • I just joined the Hot 4 Halloween 2 group!