
  • CSSJ09
    CSSJ09 Posts: 296 Member
    [Barbie Thanks for keeping the conversation going for another month.

    Janet Your DD is a graduate! Hurray. It is unfortunate that you could not be there but given the unsafe weather and Tara's condition, you definitely made the right call. It is strange how we often experience great joy and sadness at the same time. I hope that the happiness over graduation tempers the sadness of Tara's death. She seemed to be such a remarkable young woman.

    quote="GodMomKim;36342024"] CJ - such talent!!!! love the afgan, I have never seen a theme like that... just colors

    Cargram - Carol - welcome

    Kim in N. Cal[/quote]

    KimI wish that I could take credit, but it is Cheri who is making the adorable sea life afghan.

    Lisa Congratulations on your new job. And good luck with your first sale. You are accomplishing so much.. WOW.

    Cheri The pockets are fascinating. I have never seen anything like this before.

    CharleenYears ago, I worked in Cabin Creek, West Virgina and the ladies of Cabin Creek Quilters tried to teach me quilting. They were wonderful. I was not. This was a cooperative organized by VISTA volunteers

    Pip I hope you have a quick transition to your "new feet".

    Katla Congratulations on the DS boat sale. I am still catching up with responding to posts. How is the family adjusting to their new home? There has been an unusual amount of inclement weather. Did everything arrive on time and in one piece?

    Anne I am so sorry that you are so troubled. Tomorrow is another chance to start over. <3

    Heather Although I never saw the movie, I am very familiar with Salgado's work.

    He is probably the most influential environmental and social action photographer since Ansel Adams. He photographs in black and white and these have such a huge emotional and artistic impact. His environmental center in Brazil is an example that we can renew once barren and over-logged and farmed land. He is very, very well known in the international aid community and I wish that even more people were familiar with him. Thank you so much for bringing this genius to the attention of this group of caring people. Most large libraries, especially those affiliated with universities or colleges will have his books. They are all wonderful. Do go to an exhibit of his work if you can. You might want to download his TED Talk.

    I think that my upstairs bathroom decided to go the way of Michele's pool. You might remember that I had to get plumbing help for a bathroom leak into my kitchen a few hours before I left on an overseas flight. This time the water came dripping down through a light fixture. It was totally unrelated to the first leaky water supply line. After much examination with high powered flashlights and a mirror, we determined that this time the leak came from gaps in old grout. A quick trip to Home Depot of clear silicone, and some time spend removing the faucets, applying the silicone, and drying everything with a very high powered dryer used in construction, it appears to be fixed. The proof will be in a few days when everything is completely dry and the shower is turned on.

    Instead of 10 miles today, I did 8 miles in 84 minutes and then mowed the yard for over 30 minutes. The mowing was actually quite difficult since the ground was still soggy in places. And we are expecting another 4 days of rain. I am with Marcelynh Enough.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    yup its me . its 12:20 am and cant sleep
    Joyce~ you will not want to drink anything through a straw or make any slurping motion as that will un clot the packing.. may I suggest ,oatmeal,scrambled eggs,yogurt, applesauce...and yes with an extraction we tell the patient to wait 24 hrs before rinsing with the warm salt water, and no spitting out as that would do damage too.
    once the antibiotic starts working it should help and if you can tolerate take 2 aleve and 2 tylenol together every 6 hrs that should help too.
    Becca~ we are patiently waiting for the next installment of your story :)
    Meg~ great to see you... stop by more often...
    Hoping Sylvia is alright havent seen her in a few days xoxo
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Allie - I was just thinking about Sylvia also when I was driving back to the ranch last night.

    For Sylvia, or any potter/ceramics maker who would care to weigh in--one piece I'm trying to figure out is a small kiln, a Paragon Touch n'Fire. I am NOT, repeat, NOT trying to sell it to anyone here. But I have to figure out a price to put on it, and am hoping someone can tell me what you think would be a fair price in a sale. This one has a push-button, rather than flat panel, control module, and doesn't have the stand, but is about this size. It has never been used, the bricks inside are pristine, and for that matter, the outside is, too.

  • kritney
    kritney Posts: 132 Member
    Michele - I work as a histotech in a hospital lab and the certification is for that.

    CJ - we've had several days of rain here too. I think even the worms are getting sick of it.

    No workout this morning but work keeps me walking a lot during the day so I'm gonna count that Lol.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Ah, here it is 4:30 in the morning, been up nearly an hour already, and starting my second cup, so becoming verbal. Thanks for the congrats, ladies. I apparently need to be challenged in order to feel wholly alive, but have learned over the years to forgive myself if something slips when I start feeling pushed. Have to remember that when I'm up in the middle of everything.

    Luckily, the sale at the warehouse is distracting me from stressing about taking on the paper job, and vice versa. I can always divert my thinking from one to the other when I start getting overwhelmed. I got a bit well, not OVERwhelmed, let's call it whelmed :) when I walked into the warehouse and saw the trailer load in broad daylight, but was able to start moving and shifting stuff, and simply getting it organized into sections that make sense--kid's stuff, electrical, furnishings, small things, etc.

    A lot of the bins got loaded without even a chance to look in them, so I'm discovering new things all the time. My sister kept all the gold-plated Colibri lighters she's found over the years, for instance. Probably a dozen of them. That's just a few of the treasures--when we unload the van today (12x4x4 internal space), we'll be unloading two mid-century recliners, two glass-front china cabinets, two bookcases, and a bunch of bits and pieces that we were able to put in the bookcases, as they're lying flat on their backs. I have great hopes for this first sale to be a success.

    The secondary benefit is to my sister--she's able to look at all the things they've saved over the years of carrying away unwanted possessions for other people, and instead of being binary about it--keep it or throw it away--she can add a third option, "or store it for Lisa." Puts a whole different light on things. She found ten blow dryers for this sale that she had stored "just in case," and said it made her feel crazy. She knew she had more than one, but had no idea she had put that many away. Now, anything that's "too good to throw away," but unneeded, can go to the storage unit. She was most excited because she finally has a drawer for her socks!

    For me, though, mostly, I have to get both things and myself organized. It will let me feel, no matter how much of an illusion it is, that I have a handle on things. Putting a planner together this morning so I can get my to-do lists set out and start checking things off as I do them... The one thing I don't want to let slip is the ability to focus on my own health--I won't be able to do all I need to do if I don't treat myself well, eat right, exercise. That's why I'll be here each morning. Love y'all!

    Lisa in West Texas
  • Betsyk2001
    Betsyk2001 Posts: 16 Member
    edited May 2016
    Please add me! Love your May goals!! Thanks !!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Cheri, I love, love, love the under the sea afghan. My niece is expecting a baby in December and is planning a coastal themed nursery. That afghan would be perfect. Is it your own design or are you working from a pattern that can be ordered? I couldn't afford to pay you what it would be worth to make her one, but my mother could do it if there was a pattern to follow. As you know, I am challenged in that department.

    Welcome, new Carol! We actually have two other Carols that I know of, Carol from NC and PeachCarol from Georgia.

    Also welcome to Betsyk! You joined us just by posting. Bookmark us so you can continue to find the thread.
  • tracefork421
    tracefork421 Posts: 13 Member
    edited May 2016
    Good morning ladies,
    Well it' Indiana's day to vote here, so I'm sure we'll be tuning in all day to see what's happening. It's warming up alittle so I'm anxious to get back out in my flower gardens and get them all spiffed up. The hubs is building raised garden beds for me this year for the vegetable garden. Our project for this next week. Tim to start planting soon.

    Love the afghan squares you're making Cheri. So cute. Plus my grandkids love that movie

    Well I've been thinking about my goals for this month and here they are.

    1) Do cardio/strength 4-5 times a week
    2) Log all my meals and snacks
    3) Finish all the yard work and get the new vegetable garden planted
    4) Finish writing all the stories for FamJam and start memorizing them
    5) Take time to count my blessings everyday
    6) Get more rest to help my health

    Hope you're all having a great start to reaching your goals today. Have a wonderful day.

    Jamie from Indiana

    P.S. Joyce- who knew Indiana would be this important in the race for the White House!! Exciting day for sure
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited May 2016
    Heading out shortly for what is likely to be the last snowmobile ride of the season. The church is arranging a special outdoor service to pray about climate change at a location 50 km away. We'll probably have to cross lots of wet spots to get where we're going. Once the sun is in the sky 24/7 the snow melts apace! The service is scheduled for 7 pm and we don't expect to be home until well after 9. It won't be dark, though. That's the advantage of midnight sun. Catch you later.
    /Penny at the emoticon-object-026.gif
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Cheri, I love, love, love the under the sea afghan. My niece is expecting a baby in December and is planning a coastal themed nursery. That afghan would be perfect. Is it your own design or are you working from a pattern that can be ordered? I couldn't afford to pay you what it would be worth to make her one, but my mother could do it if there was a pattern to follow. As you know, I am challenged in that department.

    The crochet blocks are part of a CAL (Crochet-a-Long) sponsored by Graphaholics a facebook group. facebook.com/groups/336264716566896/ The patterns might be available to purchase after released I'm not sure. For those of us who joined the CAL at the beginning she releases a new block each week AFTER you post the previous weeks.

    Also the Pocket Letters can be looked into at: http://www.pocketletterpals.com/
    If any of you are into papercrafting I would love to swap PLs with you!

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • retired2011
    retired2011 Posts: 4 Member
    Nikion901 wrote: »
    Hi everyone ... just happened on the thread today and wanted to join in. Thanks to BarbieCat for starting it for May.
    A little bit about me ...
    ... My name is Niki and I'm from NY ... and I see there is another Nikki on here, from OR ... so I am NY Niki. I've been a paid member for MFP since September, when I retired a profile I'd had on here since 2012. For the past couple of years I have been active on the threads, whereas before then I only used the app to record my food intake. I ended up spending too much time online so, about a month ago, I quit all the groups and threads I had been a member of and tried to go cold turkey community-less. However, I find that I miss the interaction of talking to other MFP members about health, nutrition, exercise, and everyday stuff ... and hope to be able to monitor my time online as I use the community section once again. The thread I was most active on had a Sunday Share habit ... and I think it's those share days I miss the most, even though, over time, that day ended up being the most quiet on that particular thread. I'm not one to give personal notes to everyone who has posted between my own visits to the pages, so please do not feel offended if my visits on here are sporadic or don't communicate specificically with you. Still, I hope I can both provide some support and receive if from you-all on here.

    That all said, I have been feeling glum the past couple of months and am so ready to shed that halo of gloom and doom that has surrounded me recently, especially since I tend to eat indiscriminateldy when depressed. It's more a matter of poor food choices than eating huge amounts of food. The poor choices are more calorie dense, however, and thus the total input creeps into 'weigh-gain' territory, thus I find myself today 7 pounds heavier than I was 6 months ago. My weight chart is looking like a city skyscape again instead of a slide. On the positive side, I record everything I eat and update my weight every Monday, regardless of if I overate or not and of where the weight went. That way, at least I have a thruthful record for myself.

    Goals for May:
    1. Get off the roller coaster ride of food intake - normalize
    2. Get outdoor activity on each dry day ... and walk in the rain at least one time.
    3. Get the declutter project back on track .. the office and garage are this months goal.

    Hope to talk to everyone again soon
    NY Niki

  • retired2011
    retired2011 Posts: 4 Member
    edited May 2016
    Hi all,

    New to the post . NY niki where in by are you, I am in my 8 months of year!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
    morning peeps -

    lilymay - ok, YOU don't have to ride your bike to work, how about riding it down a block and back :0)

    another great day for riding home yesterday, on the summer bike (the neon orange road bike), went over 12mph average. not bad, I now know I'm capable of going faster if I tried.

    brought my monkey feet so I could wear them during work. ran in them for a mile this morning and then did the rowing machine, just to see how they feel.

    later peeps

  • AngelaPea
    AngelaPea Posts: 8 Member
    I'm with Lilymay...work is too far from home to ride my bike there (not to mention dangerous...highway, no frontage). I will, however, ride around the neighborhood, and perhaps even venture across the way and take a loop around the lake.
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Hi Ladies!
    Love all the quilts and afghans, you are so talented. I knit, but just basic stuff, it keeps my hands busy so I don't eat. Helped tremendously when I quit smoking.

    This month my goal is to get back to weight training. I do so miss Mary in MN who was my inspiration, I hope she is recovering and joins us again. I am one who also hates exercise and do it at home so I have no excuse to not do it, much like Heather. I have been pretty good about the daily elliptical but have been sadly remiss in my stronglifts and kettlebell routines. No excuse...just need a kick in the rump.

    I ate those Reese's peanut butter cups that I resisted on my NJ car ordeal. Had the last 3 last night. Unfortunately they don't taste as good as I remembered so it really wasn't worth it.

    Chris in MA

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Huge victory..... on Sundays the entire family shows up at my house so the grandkids can swim etc. Just good family time. Usually the moms bake something for the kids as a snack. They made brownies this week. I ate one brownie, totally stayed within my limit and I was happy. Then they all left and sitting on my counter was the rest of the uneaten brownies! AUGH! Such temptation. BUT I am happy to report I resisted (literally would walk past them saying... "I do NOT want or need a Brownie") and delivered them to my daughter first chance I had. Whoop! Whoop!