

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    My daughter graduated this morning from Regis University in Denver. She has now completed two classes towards her masters degree in Accounting, she will then sit for her CPA. Unfortunately I was not there to see her. I was, however, able to watch a live stream on-line. As you may recall, we left Wednesday morning for Denver, the first evening we stopped half way across Kansas. I received calls from a sister and niece telling us that they were predicting 5”-10” inches of snow in Denver on Friday. That evening I also was told by my youngest daughter about Tara's collapse and subsequent hospitalization. All was in a turmoil for sure. Jack and I, after much discussion and a BIG disappointment on my part, decided to head back home and not drive the motor home into a potentially dangerous situation. It then caused a bit of a ruckus with some of my family that I would not be there for the family reunion and they canceled it, which made some unhappy. I got my feelings hurt over some of it. Upon arriving back home Thursday evening and really finding out the severity of Tara's condition I lost it. I cried so hard that I scared Jack. I did cry again this morning watching Megan receive her diploma and me not being there for it. She of course understood. The graduation was held outside and it snowed on them and was very cold but they did not get much snow accumulation.

    I want to thank all of you for your kinds words. It's a comfort to know that I have those who care about me. Still sad and wondering how a 34 year old's heart can just stop. Tara was ready for work and had sat down on the couch to wait for her son to finish getting ready for school. When he came out to the living room he discovered her unresponsive and called 911. Tara was only 15 when Antonio was born, but she finished school, got a degree and her Masters in Clinical Psychology. She had started work on her doctorate but had to drop out for a while due to the illness of her father (he subsequently passed last October) and her Mom's stroke. It still seems like such a nightmare.

    Anyway, at this point I'm back on track and back to logging. I missed logging for three days. My resolutions for May will remain the same as April's. I have done well with the cardio and weight training, but did miss the last week of weights but fit cardio in several days.

    Janetr OKC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Janet, thank so sharing about your family, especially Tara. It sounds like she was one special young lady. You family will eventually understand about why you did not attend the family reunion.

    I have been reading up on dry socket. I did do quite a bit of swishing right after I had the tooth removed. After the feeling came back in my mouth, I ate some cottage cheese and frequently swished water around so that none of the cottage cheese would get in the absent tooth. But almost all of the pain is in the jaw and not where the tooth was at all. Had oatmeal today.

    I had to skip an affair with Charlie today. The 'Over the hill gang' was getting together this afternoon with families and others that will be going to a nursing home this week to sing. Jim always fixes a good bbq and then they just have chips and a lot of other junk food. Because of my tooth I did not go. I really did not want to go but I would have just because it is Charlie's group.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Joyce ~ When I got my tooth extracted, he said to keep the gauze on it and not to swish for 24 hrs. Also, said not to use mouth wash for a few days because the chemicals in it could injure the tissue.

    Raining a lot here today and we need it. The thunder scares the Pom.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Hi everyone ... just happened on the thread today and wanted to join in. Thanks to BarbieCat for starting it for May.
    A little bit about me ...
    ... My name is Niki and I'm from NY ... and I see there is another Nikki on here, from OR ... so I am NY Niki. I've been a paid member for MFP since September, when I retired a profile I'd had on here since 2012. For the past couple of years I have been active on the threads, whereas before then I only used the app to record my food intake. I ended up spending too much time online so, about a month ago, I quit all the groups and threads I had been a member of and tried to go cold turkey community-less. However, I find that I miss the interaction of talking to other MFP members about health, nutrition, exercise, and everyday stuff ... and hope to be able to monitor my time online as I use the community section once again. The thread I was most active on had a Sunday Share habit ... and I think it's those share days I miss the most, even though, over time, that day ended up being the most quiet on that particular thread. I'm not one to give personal notes to everyone who has posted between my own visits to the pages, so please do not feel offended if my visits on here are sporadic or don't communicate specificically with you. Still, I hope I can both provide some support and receive if from you-all on here.

    That all said, I have been feeling glum the past couple of months and am so ready to shed that halo of gloom and doom that has surrounded me recently, especially since I tend to eat indiscriminateldy when depressed. It's more a matter of poor food choices than eating huge amounts of food. The poor choices are more calorie dense, however, and thus the total input creeps into 'weigh-gain' territory, thus I find myself today 7 pounds heavier than I was 6 months ago. My weight chart is looking like a city skyscape again instead of a slide. On the positive side, I record everything I eat and update my weight every Monday, regardless of if I overate or not and of where the weight went. That way, at least I have a thruthful record for myself.

    Goals for May:
    1. Get off the roller coaster ride of food intake - normalize
    2. Get outdoor activity on each dry day ... and walk in the rain at least one time.
    3. Get the declutter project back on track .. the office and garage are this months goal.

    Hope to talk to everyone again soon
    NY Niki
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Abilene. Halfway home. 12ft van loaded to the ceiling and 14 ft trailer loaded 6ft deep. Slow going, but we'll get there.

    Kim - feel better!
    Joyce - My dry sockets always felt like jaw or ear pain. Our brains don't necessarily read it as tooth pain.
    Niki, welcome!

    Lisa, nearly back to West Texas
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,783 Member
    ok,so i am sitting again...., went grocery shopping and the came home and took the boys for a walk and put the groceries away.. then I soaked in the tub for a bit with some epsom salts... now have a load of laundry in and will gather up the garbage.... got about 12,000 steps so far
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,325 Member
    edited May 2016
    Janetr - All that has happened to your stepdaughter and family is truly bewildering and awful. So sorry the weather also wasn't on your side. I'm sure your daughter knew you were with her in spirit. Sending another bunch of hugs. (((((*)))))

    Love Heather UK

    Well done Pip on all the calories you are burning up and for the registration for the marathon. Great going!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    :)NY Niki, I hope you will become a regular member of our supportive community. I check in every day, sometimes more than once. At one time I tried to be part of too many threads and ended up spending time at the computer that could have been spent being active. I don't respond to everyone, just to topics that catch my interest.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful sunny NW Washington t113030.gif...it was so warm here that the dogs didn't want to walk for long this afternoon
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,650 Member
    Hi gals,

    Heather – I meant to comment on the movie Salt of the Earth, I have not seen it – yet- it was here last year at our library for a community event, one night which conflicted with something, so I missed it. But should rent it. If I get the gardening gig I will be taking over from someone who is all organic, non-GMO (which can be hard here in the states but is getting easier) and I have not gone that way, the gardening at my home is pesticide free, and I will buy organic or pesticide free when I can afford it. I was a vegetarian for years and years – but went back to meat, and like you it is a 2-3 meal a week – fish 1-2 and the rest vegetarian. I do love eggs and cheese and could not give that up. The milk is not something I drink so a quart lasts me a couple of weeks (I splash some in my coffee).

    Janetr – I am so sorry that your family could not understand you staying out of harms way and making the choice you and Jack did. You had a very tough week ! I am proud of Megan for understanding, so this was her BS? You will make there for her Masters graduation I’m sure. Sending (((((hugs)))))))) Is there someone to be there for Antonio?

    Welcome NY Niki

    Pip – doing the marathon again! Wow – good job and glad the auction was fun.

    Kim from N. California
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Boo Hoo ... my laptop's HD is dying. I have to use my desktop (in another room) and will call HP to find out what, if anything, might happen ... I don't think it is still under warranty. Then I will have to decide if I want another HP or a DELL. Mmmmmmmmmmm, had some issues with the HP that I did not like, so I 'might' go back to DELL. Although I never could get the laptop to work as it was promised it would. Six of one; 1/2 dozen of the other. Any suggestions? I've got an account with each so I could charge it when I buy it.

    Took the entire family out to eat at Olive Garden, plus DOGD's, her boyfriend, and her 1/2 sister who had spent the weekend with her. DDnL#1 is getting 'noticeably' thinner; I told her we were proud of her and that she was looking good. She's lost 30lbs+/- since the first of the year. She ate a 'cheat meal'; but, DOGD told her that she needed to since she had been eating the same thing daily for a while and had hit a plateau. She did not finish it all. I had the 'new' tilapia dish. Very good. Brought home a salad for tomorrow; will be weighed in on Tuesday; and eat lunch with friend, and then back to MD for my 'yearly' physical which is coded as a 'problem visit'. That way Medicare and insurance company will pay for mammogram and pelvic. Since I have a huge history of breast cancer and ovarian cancer in my immediate family ... this could be a 'problem'. But, I check my breast each month and haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary.

    Janetr - I, too, am sending a huge 'sorry' for your family not understanding your situation. Some people are just 'all about themselves'. Your safety and the family of your husband which is your family, too ... needed you back home.

    Welcome to NY Niki and any other 'newbies'. Come often, we are one big happy (most of the time) family. We talk about anything and we encourage one another.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Kim , there is a younger sister Lisa, 32. She will now be Antonio's guardian. She's single and has always been close with Tara and Antonio. He plans to go to college in the fall. Not sure where funds for that will come from. Tara worked as a social worker for the State, but had no insurance of any kind. I appreciate the hugs and concern.

    Janetr okc
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    253149qtzkf0ld22.gif 2157045gp85zev8ri.gif 1461351h0otf8hco5.gif

    Statistics for April

    *528,453 steps
    *17,815 steps a day average
    *thirteen 2 hour dance classes
    *10 weight training sessions
    *uncounted time on the exercise bike
    *uncounted time puttering in the garden
    *daily reading and posting on Women Ages 50+
    *daily logging food and exercise
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Janetr, I am so terribly sorry.
  • jerinick2016
    jerinick2016 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello, everyone. I'd like to join your group. A friend pointed me in the direction of myfitnesspal.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    Hello, everyone. I'd like to join your group. A friend pointed me in the direction of myfitnesspal.

    :)welcome, you joined just by posting...come back and tell us about yourself and join the conversation
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,650 Member
    barbie - cute!!!!