
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    Happy May Day!

    Goals for April with the of practicing some of the ideas learning in the book Dance With Anger.

    Goals for May to continue to work on the emotional reasons I make poor food choices. To continue to observe my reaction to food and to my emotions.

    :heart: Margaret

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Good morning! Happy Sunday! Happy May Day/Lei Day! It has been a rainy weekend here in West Michigan. This is the second weekend in a row of rain, so not much is getting done in my yard. The grass in front is getting so high, I am nervous the bunnies are making their nests. It happens every year. I find them when I mow and sometimes have to take the babies to a rescue center if the mama doesn't come back after I mow. Hoping it dries up later today so I can get out there and get the grass cut! I spent yesterday cooking and prepping for meals the rest of the week. I made a pot of white chicken chili, spoon bread, three meatloaves with three sides of mashed potatoes, portioned out into three containers and taken to family members that need some help with meals, got greens prepped and washed, and made baby food for my very little ones. This week, they have their choice of peas, carrots, green beans, peaches, and apples. I pour the prepped baby food into ice cube trays and freeze them, so I can pull out exactly what I need each day.pat4xxnxv34p.jpg You can see the NYFR in the background of this pic. I got a lot done yesterday, shopping, laundry, and bedding laundry, along with the cooking. I ate a good breakfast (eggs and zucchini scramble), then got busy and drank the rest of my meals. I drank three NYFR while I cooked and cleaned. Oh well, one day of that won't kill me.
    Janet- <3:( So sorry for your loss! I will continue to keep your family in my thoughts and prayers.
    Lisa -Ugh! Living and working out of a hotel is so hard sometimes! Hope you can get back to your place safely and find things in good shape.
    Marcelyn-Thinking of you as I complain about the rain (I know how lucky I am) and see the news footage of the storms in your area. Stay safe and dry!
    Pip-Hope the auction went well and good luck on your 11mi run. Will you be getting it in today?
    Heather- You cook such amazing and unusual things! Have you taken cooking classes? Or is this a hobby you have acquired? Do you choose meals you have tried before or do you browse for recipes and experiment? I envy you, your husband with adventurous tastes. Mine would eat meat and potatoes every day; and for some recipes, it seems ridiculous to make only enough for myself. But I have done it on occasion.
    Joyce- I would have to agree with Allie and Lisa in regards to your tooth. My dh had a couple of lower teeth out last year, and if I remember correctly, it was two or three days of intense pain and soft room temp foods. Foods that were too hot or too cold seemed to irritate those nerves. He was almost constantly doing the salt water rinse. I had the clove oil, but he didn't want to try it. Good luck and I hope you feel better soon!
    NC Carol- Kudos to your pastor for tackling subjects that most churches don't like to discuss, but really need to be. Brings to mind, long, long ago; when I was a teen, making the rounds to churches and church youth groups with my mother to speak about abortion and other choices. When we were scheduled to speak to youth groups we would find just as many adults present to listen as there were children.
    Lenora- I hear you in regards to the political drama! It is a tense subject at my home as my dh and I NEVER agree on politics (or religion). He never used to vote; UNTIL he found out who I was voting for. Now he says he votes just to cancel my vote! LOL! He only votes in the presidential election though. I don't think it has occurred to him that you need to vote for everything to "clear the path" or "make the road easier" for your candidate!
    Becca-Your hair looks wonderful! I think haircuts are great spirit and mood lifters!

    April goals and resolutions:
    30 day squat challenge: I got in 27 days of squats; had to suspend the work out due to P.I.T.A.
    (final three days will be completed as soon as issue clears itself up)
    cardio daily: Probably closer to 3-4 days a week, will carry over to May
    water conservation: Success! Even my dh noticed that I am not leaving the kitchen faucet running!
    projects for daycare: Completed a surprise box, a chill corner, and a puppet stage.
    log every meal/bite: will continue into May

    May goals and resolutions:
    cardio daily: I really want to get this in EVERY DAY! 30 minute minimum
    log every meal and bite
    follow my meal plan
    finish squat challenge and begin an upper body work out
    duolingo daily and begin spending time on the piano

    I think that is all I can focus on as far as self improvement goes. Love and hugs to you all!
  • tryingtolive1
    tryingtolive1 Posts: 245 Member
    Goals for May

    Go to gym 4 times a week.
    Walk the dog everyday weather permitting.
    Eat healthy and add more protein to my diet.
    Try and look at life in a more positive way. (probably hardest of the goals)

    Anne from Wisconsin
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    sleeping-beauty-smiley-emoticon.gif I had a terrible time getting to sleep last night because of a combination of Jake staying up late to watch the baseball game and Bernie the cat being restless and finally throwing up on the blanket and on an item of Jake's clothing on the closet floor. But Bernie woke me at the usual time and I have laundry started. My washer and dryer are featured on my gratitude list. Breakfast is almost finished, I've read all the posts, and soon will be putting on my warm coat, hat, and gloves and setting out to walk the first dog.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    janetr.....so sorry to hear you lost her.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Mornin', thanks for the new thread Barbie

    Spent most of Friday and all day Saturday adjudicating string players (from 8 to 18 years old). It is an exhausting amount of time sitting and making sure you give every child your best advice as they play their hearts out for you and know that parents are right outside the door, more nervous than the kids! I think I did well, of course was I embarrassed when I found out that I had put my signature on every assessment sheet in the wrong place, every single sheet was signed wrong (luckily that didn't invalidate them) but I was soooooo embarrassed and the muckymucks who run the Festival just gave me a scathing look. Mind you I don't get paid to do this, so a little thank you, don't worry about it would have been nice, but noooooo just rolled his eyes at me.....Yikes will probably never be asked back--their loss!!! :s

    My phone is officially kaputs so I will have to buy a new one, not may favorite thing to do so I am letting the experts (dd and dh) do the research and I will have to figure out a new phone :/ . I joke with dh that I would be back in the stone age without him.

    Keeping May goals simple: eat, walk, log....shoulders down, head up and BREATHE <3<3<3
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Nikki in MA – We have an ‘outside’ kitty; and, occasionally he will present us with packages he has found and lays it right at the back door on the mat. I think he’s doing his ‘job’; but, I also thing he is doing this because Cracker is an ‘indoor’ puppy.

    KJLaMore – I vote in all elections. This year we have a ‘contested’ election for “Sheriff” of the county; present Sheriff (been in office 12 years); one of his deputies (wonder if he is ‘grooming him’ or if he ‘fired him’, and a man I don’t know anything about, other than the color of his skin. Some people like the present Sheriff, some despise him. I think our “Head Commissioner” (who is not running this year; after 40 years being it) had his choice to make and thought he could ‘control’ him. The Sheriff is ‘really’ the most ‘powerful person’ in a county in GA. He would not even show up to the County Commissioners’ meetings … which he was expected to do. This flew all over the County Commissioners as a whole.

    Got to go ... time to get to mass.

    Chow! [no pun intended]
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited May 2016
    Happy May Day! We have a gorgeous and sunny morning today. :bigsmile:

    April Resolutions with comments :

    1. Log every bite and swallow. Done. This is the core of staying in control of my health.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength. Done, and feeling healthier.
    3. Have fun every day. I found something to enjoy every day, sometimes the pleasure of watching pbirds at the feeder, and sometimes an adventure.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more! I'm pleased to say I'm getting this done without the bad attitude I began witih. I feel better because of it.
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly. Sleep is going well. If I have to move to the other room on noisy nights, I do it. The noisemakers last night were sea lions. :grumble:

    Lets have a great May!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Charleen ~ What a beautiful quilt. Love the colors.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    edited May 2016
    Hi all!
    Just thought I must tell you about the film I've just watched about the photographer Sebastiao Salvador. His photography is well known, but I knew nothing about him. The film is called SALT OF THE EARTH, by Wim Wenders. I rented the DVD from Lovefilm/Amazon. I thought of CJ while I was watching it (lots about water shortages ), who has probably seen it, but it would interest any of you who are interested in nature conservation, or human rights, or those who love photography. Much of it is painful and moving. I highly recommend it. It's subtitled in English and some of it is in French and some in Portuguese.

    DJ - I have been passionate about food since I was a teenager. I began to read cookery books at university. I just take an interest in anything food and cookery related, with no formal training. To me food represents everything - culture, history, politics, economics, health, religion, philosophy and, most importantly, sharing. I am just finishing reading a very comprehensive and academic book on the history of cheese. :laugh: I am not as obsessed with cooking as I was when I was younger and can find it a chore sometimes, but I love to eat beautifully and I am not a millionaire, so I cook it. :bigsmile: My second son is also a fantastic cook and my elder son isn't bad either, so I must have done something right. :D
    I applaud all your culinary efforts this weekend. :flowerforyou:
    My DH is probably more adventurous than most men his age, but he is a wimp compared to me. :laugh: Some things I have when he is out of the house!

    Charlene - what a fantastic quilt! Wonderful!

    Love to all again and thank you Barbie!

    Heather UK

    PS My printer prints! :drinker:
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Thanks Barbie!
    Janetr, I'm so, so sorry for you and your family.

    A lot going on with me and all good for a change. Will let you all know when things settle down a bit.

    Chris in rainy MA
  • MightyLolo
    MightyLolo Posts: 504 Member
    May Day, and International Guerrilla Gardening Day. :D:flowerforyou:

    My April goals, well...I didn't walk every morning, nor do kettlebell swings every non-lifting afternoon... but I did weather a scary health crisis and a round of steroids and still drop a little more weight. And I logged everything I ate for the second month in a row, which is a win in its own way. :blush:

    For May, I'm upping my calorie count by 300 a day, most days; my body isn't letting me exercise hard on the old count anymore...but I'm building in two modified-fasts on non-lifting days, so the total calorie count for the week is comparable.

    My goals are:
    1. keep logging everything,
    2. stick to the new calorie counts--which, I stuck to lower counts for nine weeks, so okay :smile:
    3. warm up my wonky hip on an exercise bike every morning
    4. I'm working on a schedule for my swim classes, PT, lifting, and core work...it will come out to a good six days a week with both a more-strenuous workout (lifting, swimming) and a less-strenuous activity (walking, core work, stretching) ...the goal will be not to stick to it rigidly so much as test it and see how I feel, and adjust it and my calorie counts, so I can balance losing fat, gaining strength and function, and maintaining endocrine health.
    5. And I really wanna figure out how to raise an extra $500 for a kayaking class :wink:

    Good luck everyone, and have an excellent May. We got this!

    Larisa in Seattle
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    Morning peeps-
    Kirby is getting the summer bikes out and we will b putting the other two to bed.

    Had a great time at the Etta auction yesterday, we rode our bikes there.
    We also registered for the marathon yesterday before the price went up. No turning back now. The
    Is year it is on nov 6th, nov 4th of last year was when he got hit
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    I can barely move.. went up to dads and cleaned the dining room... , they put up vinyl wallpaper and I washed that all, shopvaced everything and and Lord my mother collected crap...I put all the stuff in boxes under the dining table...set up the bakers rack with the microwave that I brought from my house,,, the fridge we got yesterday will go in the dining room so I had to clean stuff up.. 3 hrs later.. I am sitting with dogs on my lap and having a cup of tea... trying to figure out what to get at the grocery store..
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    may is national ride your bike to work month, or bike month.. since i do it anyway, i encourage u to do it sometime, if you don't work anymore, then ride it somewhere, to the store even!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    Re the snowbird quilt: ooh, la, la looking good, Charlene!

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
    Hi gals,

    Joyce – I have no first hand info, but I’d call the dentist on call

    Lisa – willing to walk away, is a super hero power! ** Later June Cleaver was played by Barbara Billingsley, and that is my last name, so growing up I would tell my mom I wanted her for a mom instead, and always was asked if I was related to her… and answered anything I dreamed up…it was fun to see folks faces when I said she was my mom.

    Heather – I just can not imagine you taking off to shoot a rabbit, as you don’t even like to be in the garden alone!

    Charleen – What a beautiful quilt!

    I am fighting a crappy cold…. I have not had one in a long time, and this is settled in my throat so I sound like a smoker- all husky…I could care less about food right now so that makes choices easy, but exercise? I walked Levi for an hour this morning and had to sit for a while after, it wiped me out. I have a ton of stuff scheduled for this upcoming week, I need to wake tomorrow all better.

    Kim from N. California
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    Kim - I hope your cold makes a swift departure! :flowerforyou: No, I couldn't shoot a rabbit, which does bother me as I do eat meat. I sometimes feel I am a hypocrite. I have toyed with the idea of veganism, but comfort myself by making the best good choices I can - eating less meat, only buying organic, free range meat and being mindful when I do eat it. My main hypocrisy lies in drinking milk, which is not organic and of which I disprove of the process of production. If it were solely up to me I would go organic, grass fed, but DH would think it's an extravagance.
    It's not that I disprove of eating meat, I don't, but I know that I, personally, could not kill the animal. :ohwell:

    We used to live near a farm that had its own abbatoir, which was very humane and took enormous care over how it killed its animals. I liked buying from them. It also made fabulous buffalo mozzarella. :D<3 I try to buy from places that do humane checks regularly, but I am under no illusions.

    Currently we are eating meat two or three times a week, with the rest being fish or vegetarian. Of course, fishing is another, not so nice story. :ohwell: Just by living in this modern world we are guilty of so many sins. :'(
    After watching today's film I was prompted into giving to Doctors Without Borders, one of my favourite charities.

    Sorry for the sermon, but I have been made very conscious of my footprint on the earth recently. DH's family troubles have highlighted that we are none of us islands.

    Love Heather UK