[/quote]Yes, and I welcome it. My one beef with MFP is the focus on weight with no mention of body fat. People can and should track body fat as well. Do it here for free: Body Fat Mere weight does not tell the whole story. [/quote] Thank you, I needed that. I did lose 6%…
Thank you everyone....that makes me feel MUCH butter. I am becoming much more toned, I can notice. The weight just isn't changing. I'm glad it isn't only me!
Hypnotize by Biggie Smalls is another one I like... I never thought about adding Baby Got Back..GREAT IDEA. Love that song!
Bump please...
Thanks! This site is so handy!
8--i love your hair and you have such a beautiful face
Wow....I had no idea about any of that stuff...thanks!
I'm In :)
Pasta and Scalloped potatoes!
I'm IN!!!
I want to join! Please message me info!