

  • I support a lot of local music and local artists, as well as smaller, non-commerical or unsigned touring artists that often only have physical cd's, so I still purchase physical cd's on a regular basis when I see a great live show and want to support the artists. :-)
  • Purchasing jeans are a challenge. The popular "skinny" jean that's in right now looks god awful on everyone, every size, in my opinion. I learned years ago that when I find a style I like, I only buy that style, and only from certain stores. But I am very picky about my jeans. You never know with the sizes either...for all…
  • That is bullcrap that a size 12 is considered a plus-sized model. Our society sucks.
  • A friend of mine makes a queso dip with ground turkey that rocks! I had no idea it was turkey; it tasted great and I had no idea until he told me. Must have been the cheese and spices, though, because any other ground turkey I've tried any other way grossed me out. I really don't see a problem with ground beef, sirloin, or…
  • This person is a jerk. Would any of us be on here if we weren't aware that we need to do better? Sheesh. Make someone feel bad for asking a good, constructive question why don't you?!? Like a previous post (that was not a jerk) said, yoga and pilates may help. If you are a little self concious, I have found a couple videos…
  • I find it easier to stick to if I give myself a scheduled goal. I will enter a minimum amount of exercise/time into myfitnesspal for the day, and commit to at least that amount of exercise for the day, and do it right after I get off work. That way I know I will do it...otherwise I have to go back in and delete what I…
  • I was wondering this the other day actually. Makes me feel better to know I'm shopping about average. I shop for 3 adults and usually spend approx $100-150/week.
  • This should totally be on Man vs Food
  • Relpax has been my lifesaver. I've had migraines as long as I can remember, all the way back to grade K. It's the same class as Imitrex but in pill form and doesn't make you feel as flushed and gross as Imitrex and I think it works better.
  • Avocado Fish Peter Pan Honey Roasted Crunchy Peanut Butter
  • It's definitley a challenge, that's for sure. I've found the only way I really lose weight is to restrict my calories to 1250-1500-ish and to make sure I exercise. The lack of energy definitley sucks and makes it hard to stay motivated sometimes, and sometimes I am so drained I have to take a full week off from exercising.…
  • Put a clove of garlic in your eye for 2 minutes and let me know how that feels. Would you consider eating that? [/quote] Ummm...I'm not going to put any food substance in my eye...WTH?
  • I took it in the past, with no side effects unless I ate really really crappy high fat meals. If you are going to eat high fat meals like pizza and cheeseburgers and stuff, don't take it before that meal and you should be fine. It did give an extra boost to my weightloss. If you want the extra help and you eat healthy, I…
  • I did the same. I started with WW, then I used both for awhile, then eventually just transitioned to MFP all the way and cancelled WW. I was apprehensive at first, but after using both I found I like MFP much better, and it has given me much better results. It is SO much easier and quicker to track foods, you can find…
  • Good ideas! I like mine with pepper and seasoned salt or red hot sauce or green Tobasco sauce. In general I'm more of a spicy/salty person than a sweets person. Very interested to read through anyone else's spicy/salty cottage cheese suggestions.
  • I wouldn't be too worried about it. When I first started making adjustments in what I ate and working out I lost alot pretty quickly, like 25 lbs in about 1 1/2 months, but the weight loss slowed and it tapered off over time. I think that's pretty normal if your body wasn't really used to the changes you made. Created by…
  • UGGHH! I can't wait to walk into any store I want and "buy off the rack." Instead of being forced to shop at the only 2 stores at the mall that sell my size, or ordering online only and having no idea how it will fit, I will be able to walk into ANY store I want and buy a pair of jeans! That is probably my biggest…
  • You can always grill out seafood-fish, shrimp, scollops, etc are low calorie and greal grilled. Grilled veggies, like zucchini.
  • I agree totally! I was worried that my love of partying would be a problem with my weightloss too, but it hasn't. I'm sure I would have lost more if I cut it out altogether, but I have no intention of doing that, and I want to keep the weight off with a plan I will maintain. I will not maintain without my wine and beer!…
  • Man I wish I would have taken before pics like that! Congrats! Posts like this are so inspiring!
  • I was concerned about this at the beginning of my journey as well, but have not found it to be a problem. I have found that at times MFP overestimates, and at times underestimates. What I usually do (which was taken from advice from other MFP members when I had the same question months ago), is if the machine at they gym…
  • Mine was probably anywhere from 3000-5000. Especially on the nights I would go out drinking and then hit fast food after. Yikes! No wonder I now have so much weight to lose! I still party and eat what I want, but occasionally and in moderation instead of every night! Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Try buying fresh cherries in the produce dept and cutting and pitting them and adding them to a diet coke. I love soda as well, and that works for me when I have a cherry coke craving. You get used to the taste of the diet over regular over time. But I LOVE a good diet coke with fresh cherries!
  • Natural Light, Busch Light, Mich Ultra, Budweiser Select, and Miller Lite, and Yuengling Light (good luck finding Yuengling light, I can't find it anywhere) are all under 100 calories. I've taken to adding lime to my beers to give it more taste...I'm usually a New Castle or Magic Hat kinda girl, but those are 143-150…
  • I have always enjoyed swimming more than most other exercises, although I cannot do it for long. I've been using a stopwatch timer on my phone and so far I alternate between 5 minutes of backstroke and 5 minutes of breaststroke, and I'm worn out. Hopefully as I do it more and more I will have longer endurance, but for now…
  • I log everything, every day, even on weekends. I like the idea that I can have a little fun, break some rules, and still lose the weight. Logging on the weekends helps remind me of that. I do find it hard to log my drinks/cocktails/etc, those are always estimated on the weekends. Created by - Free Weight…
  • I don't think it's a big deal at all to have a couple beers after work, everyday if you want. And more on the weekend. Just my opinion of course and i'm sure I'll be attacked for it. As long as he's not being a belligerent *kitten* that is.