Lady_Lamb Member


  • I told myself at the beginning of all of this that I would walk every day for at least 30 minutes no matter what! Pshhhh! That stopped happening a few weeks ago. BUT! I would like to recommit to that goal. I am such a lazy butt lately. I have to just push myself out of it.
  • Hmm.. not yet. It's mostly food aversions so far. I just eat whatever doesn't completely make me want to gag!
  • Is anyone else just hating their body right now? I have gained about 5lbs already and I am constantly bloated. I feel like I look 6 months pregnant and I am only 10 weeks. I'm tired all the time and the only foods I can seem to get down are carbs. Veggies are just grossing me out lately. I don't know how to make this…
  • At my 12 week appointment they are going to do a blood test for down's syndrome. Is this a genetic test? Does this mean I will be able to find out the sex of the baby? I just read about some moms finding out at 12 weeks after something like this. Now I want to know!
  • Just woke up, ready to go back to bed.
  • The quizzes are all over the place for me. I feel like I will have a girl. My best friend thinks it will be a girl, too. I hope it is a girl. I really like the girl name we have chosen!
  • Oh no!!! My boyfriend told his best friend over the weekend. He hasn't told anyone yet, so I was kind of excited to hear his friend's reaction. He was happy for us, of course. Yay! I can't wait to spill the beans to everyone. A few more weeks...
  • I had the exact same experience last week, lulu. I woke up feeling sort of okay. I thought maybe the nausea was over! Then I ate 2 bites of oatmeal and I had to run to the toilet.
  • The boyfriend put my new maternity pants through the dryer! I usually air dry jeans. Ugh! Not quite as cozy as before...
  • Baby daddy just got laid off. Blerg. I don't want to tell anyone until he finds a new job!
  • I'm in the same boat as Amy. I gain and lose the same 3 or 4lbs every couple days. I feel crazy eating so much without exercising! (And really, I should be exercising... I'm just so tired!) It's like there are no rules! I'm not used to it and I keep ending up over because in my mind it is like a free for all. I set my…
  • I bought a bunch of maternity clothes from Old Navy's clearance section. Super cheap! My jeans were only $7! I am in denial about winter. In my mind I just won't be that big!
  • EDD: June 15th! It changed at my first ultrasound appointment from June 11th to June 15th.
  • All I do is sleep! I have been going to bed at like 7:30pm. I wake up to go to the bathroom a few times a night, but I fall right back to sleep. I'm exhausted!
  • And let the throwing up begin! Ughhh... I hope this doesn't last.
  • We had our first appointment today and we got an ultrasound. I found out I am not as far along as I thought. 7 weeks 2 days instead of 7 weeks 6 days. We could see the heartbeat, but we didn't hear it (or try to hear it). It was exciting! I was surprised by how quickly everything went. We barely talked! Just tons of tests!…
  • First appointment today! So excited!
  • I am so glad you guys are posting about this! In the first weeks of the pregnancy I was bouncing between 149 and 152. I haven't been logging the last week or so because I have been so queasy and tired and eating crap and barely able to exercise. I weighed 155! I have my first appointment today and I just know I will weigh…
  • Bummer! I have my first appointment on Tuesday. I think they told me over the phone that I would be getting an ultrasound. I want baby daddy to come with, but I'm worried they will have to do a bunch of other stuff to me that he'll have to wait around through. I just want him to see the little bean!
  • I'm SO tired! I try to make sure to walk a couple of miles each day. I would like to do more, but I am exhausted and a little queazy pretty much all the time. I am a preschool teacher, so I am up and about most of the day. By the time I get home, I make dinner, eat, and pass out. Blerg.
  • I get the jimmy legs too! I make my boyfriend massage my ankles before I go to sleep. Oh, and my boobs are killing me!
  • Blerg! Woke up super queasy today. And I have super smelling powers! The smell of my boyfriend this morning almost made me puke!
  • I told my best friend. She knew we were trying and I texted her a picture of the positive pregnancy test! I also had to tell my dentist because she wanted to take x-rays. That is all for now. We are going to try to wait as long as we can. I don't know if I can keep it a secret much longer than the twelve week mark!
  • The online calculators tell me my due date is June 11th! Please feel free to add me, ladies! It'd be nice to have a bunch of friends who are all going through the same things.
  • Hmmm... I haven't decided if I want to know or not yet. It might be a fun surprise!
  • I haven't had my first appointment yet, either. It is scheduled for October 29th. Online calculators say my due date it June 11th. Our due dates are so close! So exciting!! Congratulations and good luck with everything!
  • 3 year old girl in my class: "My dad uses the word "reptilian" and he doesn't even know what it means." Me: "Hmm... What was he describing as being reptilian?" Girl (very casually): "My farts."
  • Thanks for all of the info! My biggest issue right now is finding an affordable place to swim. It's winter, so I can't swim outside, but all of the pools around here are a little pricey. I am also considering swimming lessons. Again, a little expensive!