bored4long Member


  • A high protein diet is new for me (been doing it for a few weeks now). But one tremendous benefit of a higher protein diet is a more "full" feeling. Protein makes you feel very full and will help you consume less calories.
  • I don't know if another already suggested this, but I love stretching out with the Cobra pose after an ab workout. It feels so good to stretch out the abs. See this:
  • Outlaw a restaurant? SERIOUSLY? Since when should the government be allowed to tell me what to eat or not eat? I think this restaurant is fantastic! I may not go there, but that certainly does not mean it should not exist. If no one wanted such a meal the place would shut down within a month due to no business. Free…
  • Restaurants to AVOID? LOL. It would be much easier to just list Restaurants that are acceptable. So far I have only found 2. All others I have stopped going to. Acceptable restaurants for me: Subway (Oven Roasted Chicken Breast Salad, double meat, no cheese, no dressing just vinegar) Sushi Bar (girly sushi rolls with sauce…
  • I love the "pumped" feeling one gets from lifting weights. No amount of cardio can come close to matching that pumped feeling I get from lifting. I just started P90X and I love the pump I get from the lift days.
  • Protein definitely fills me up. I have yet been able to eat an entire 6 egg white omelet with a 4 oz chicken breast and spinach in it (no cheese). Lots of hot sauce helps me get more down. Very filling. I find raw Almonds to be very satisfying.
  • It is a use in moderation. 1 Tbsp is 17g carbs, 16g sugars. So a lot will jack up your macro levels. I avoid any sugars if at all possible. When I am weak, or need a little sweetness I will add a little to my hot tea or enjoy the below: 1 cup Plain Greek Yogurt + 1 Tbsp of Raw Honey = my guilty pleasure. Sooo…
  • Thanks for the advice, Chunk. I don't think I could push myself to the point of throwing up (although I wish I could bring that kind of intensity). Chest/Shoulders done. And I need heavier weights. The heaviest I have right now is 25lb. I think I will get some 30 and 35s this week.
  • I'd love to rip up the carpet in our spare bedroom and just lay down a thin, cheap carpet with no pad. But no chance in hell the wife will go for that. So into the garage I must go.
  • I did the Chest/Back, Arms/Shoulders, and Ab Ripper X vids this week. I can't do the pullups yet, so using resistance bands. And after attempting Arms/Shoulders with resistance bands I realized I needed weights. Luckily scored some dumbbells at Walmart that were 50% off.
  • I plan on starting P90x next Monday (February 13th). I've started familiarizing myself with the workouts this week. Did the Chest/Back, Arms/Shoulders, and Ab Ripper X so far. I am still trying to figure out a solution for pullups. Right now I'm using resistance bands. I realized I need more resistance for the pulldowns…
  • 6 egg whites, scrambled, with spinach, mushrooms, and chicken breast or fruit smoothie with 100% whey protein mix
  • Prelogging is the only way I can make sure I get anywhere close to my target calories and P/F/C ratio. I've only been doing this for a week. I'm sure as I build more standardized meals, I won't need to rely on prelogging so much. But right now its a must. Another huge benefit of prelogging: it has completely eliminated…
  • The label on my spaghetti squash had the instructions: Cut in quarters, lengthwise Scoop out seeds Place face down in a caserole dish with 3/4 cp water Back for 40 minutes at 350* Boil in a pot of water for 20 minutes Separate squash "strings" with a fork. I cut out all pastas for now because they are all so high in carbs.…
  • I'm totally going to cook this on Saturday. I'll double the chicken for a higher protein ratio. Finally something to use my lemon grass bush for! yay!
  • Last night was Spaghetti squash topped with marinara sauce. Plus a huge spinach salad with chicken breast for protein. The meal was yummy and fabulously healthy. I was actually frustrated at how low cal it was. I was below my target for the day. See my food diary for details. Tonight is left over baked salmon, green beans,…
  • I found as long as I have a water bottle with me at all times, I will usually consume all the water I need. Just try to keep water with you at all times and see if that helps.
  • OMG. I LOOOVE Elf! By far Will Farrell's best movie. Here is my favorite quote from Elf. I say adaptations of this quote all the time. Emily: You like sugar, huh? Buddy: Is there sugar in syrup? Emily: Yes. Buddy: Then YES!
  • Most excellent quote! I've always loved this one. Thanks for reminding me!
  • I didn't go through all the replies before mine, so don't know if anyone else has put this one in: "37" "In a row?!" If you don't know what its from, you probably wouldn't appreciate the movie... :tongue:
  • I can't do black coffee. So I switched to black tea. I can drink that unsweetened all day. Try black tea! There are a world of different blends to try and enjoy.
  • This would be my wife's answer: I have no idea for me. Haven't thought about it.
  • Thanks for the input. If you follow the link in his post, you will find overwhelming evidence to support chocolate milk as a recovery drink. He primarily flips on chocolate milk because he went Paleo. Excerpt from
  • Agreed! studies have shown that Chocolate Milk has the right ratio of carbs and protein for your body to use as a recovery drink. This is what I have immediately after a workout. I wish I had a link to the actual study, but this is where I got the idea for using chocolate milk. I do non-fat milk + ovaltine. yum!…
  • I have also wanted a HRM and purchased the Omron HR-100c based on price and reviews on Amazon. Don't get it. Its fine for seeing your current heart rate, but will not keep any kind of records. I will be returning mine. I have since done a lot of research online about what to get. Almost everyone says Polar can't be beat…
  • Ha. I have the same problem. My boss always has cupcakes and cookies in our break room. Two things have kept me from touching them so far: 1) keeping yummy snacks easily accessible for me to grab when I crave something. I now have raw almonds, craisins, protein bars, and mozzarella sticks at work for when I want a snack.…
  • Your protein % is so low, there will be no harm in the overage you are consuming. But the answers of "there is no harm" is only accurate to a certain degree. Look up Ketosis. At some point, depriving your body of carbs will have a negative impact. That is not a concern in your case. So my answer is the same as others, you…