Water, chocolate milk, protein, take a bath with epson salt or make rub of epson salt and water and use as exfoliant, more water, more water, protein, and arnica gel and tablets. Then hit it hard the next day.
:smile: I just completed the Couch to 5k today. I was working out previously and would not call myself a couch potatoe it works. I will be running my first 5k in two weeks since completing the program. I am going to continue adding minutes just like you do with couch to 5k and have races every two weeks through September…
I just finished a great book by Kristin Hannah Night Road. I read it in two days it was so good. Made me laugh, cry, and love my family even more than I already do...
My sons are five years and three months apart 11 and 6. I often tell people they are the best of friends and worst of enemies. But no one better mess with the other one cause they will stick up for eachother till there last breath.
Coaching my sons backetball team and getting our new treadmill that is finally in.