People with food allergies

fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
I have been allergic to oranges since I was 14, and can't stand the smell or taste of them, it screams poison to me. However, it recently looks like I might also be allergic to peanuts and macadamias, and while I can definitely leave peanuts, I adore macadamias.

If you have food allergies, do you like the taste of your allergen, or does everything about it repel you?


  • Omnivore47
    I have a food intolerance (not allergy) for mushrooms. When I ear them, I don't need to be hospitalized, but I do feel bad for several hours. I cooked a lot of mushrooms for my family, who loved them, when I was a teenager and the family chef, but never liked them myself. When I was about 35, I realized that the reason I didn't like mushrooms was that they were making me ill. Stopped eating them and no more problems.
    Like many adults I'm also lactose intolerant but love all things dairy. Solved that with Lactaid pills and lactose-free milk and ice cream.
  • caitylynn62
    caitylynn62 Posts: 99 Member
    I am allergic to a lot of foods (all nuts, apples. peaches, cherries, any fruit that has a pit really) and I don't hate the smell of them, sometimes I get worried when I smell peanut butter though. It makes me feel kind of nauseous. If you are allergic to peanuts, I would recommend sunflower seed butter. I haven't had peanut butter in aroud 8 years, so it tastes the same to me and I love it :)
  • SkyPixie
    SkyPixie Posts: 224
    I have a pretty serious allergy to both bananas and all types of melon , both result in my face and throat swelling and my entire body itching which can be pretty scarey.
    The banana allergy I have had for about 15 year now and I can't bear the smell of them and I seem to be able to pick up on the smell from quite some way away.

    The melon allergy only surfaced last year ( and frightened me to death when it happened as I was home alone) and I still really miss eating them but the reaction was so quick and so violent that I would never risk eating them again. I am guessing at some point i will become adverse to the smell of them as well.

    Its very odd as I ate bananas as a child and never had a problem , and the melon one only surfacing at the ripe old age of 40 it makes you wonder what suddenly changes in your make up to make you react so violently to things which previously caused no issue ?
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I have a pretty serious allergy to both bananas and all types of melon , both result in my face and throat swelling and my entire body itching which can be pretty scarey.

    That is just the same as me with oranges. The itching is unbearable!
  • granolagrl85
    I'm ana to avocado and always loved them. Bananas and melons also make me itch and my gums sweel a bit. I hate them. I'm allergic to tree nuts and like most of them. Sunbutter tastes like butt.
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    I'm allergic to tomatoes but I still eat them because I love pasta. The consequences are worth it for me :)
  • gingerb85
    gingerb85 Posts: 357 Member
    I believe I have just identified in the last week a food allergy. My daughter wanted kumquats and picked up a bag. I have tasted them years ago, but not really eaten them except for that occasional taste. I ate six and my lips were itching and burning. I waited two days and tried two more and it was starting again. Very odd for me. And I think they are delicious, unfortunately. And curious because other citrus fruits don't bother me.
  • Slove009
    Slove009 Posts: 364 Member
    I never found mushrooms appealing, but the one time I did try them I almost died. Throat closed up and everything! I'm slightly allergic/sensitive to capsasum (probably not spelled right...). I can't even touch mushrooms or smell too much of it depending on how it's cooked or what type of dish it is without breaking out! As for peppers, I can eat them, but it's painful. Sometimes I just down some benadryl and get me some hot wings! I like it, but even smelling super spicy foods can make me break out
  • MariaAlbinaxoxo
    MariaAlbinaxoxo Posts: 290 Member
    I'm allergic to seafood/fish but I still eat it! hahaha I just take benadryl half hour before eating it. I could NEVER give up seafood or fish. I adore it. Even better, it's good for me!
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    I'm allergic to avocados. I didn't even find out until I started liking and eating them. They make my tongue and mouth swell up. They're not something I love, so not eating them doesn't really bother me.
  • meltygarden
    meltygarden Posts: 111 Member
    I have a pretty serious allergy to both bananas and all types of melon , both result in my face and throat swelling and my entire body itching which can be pretty scarey.
    The banana allergy I have had for about 15 year now and I can't bear the smell of them and I seem to be able to pick up on the smell from quite some way away.

    The melon allergy only surfaced last year ( and frightened me to death when it happened as I was home alone) and I still really miss eating them but the reaction was so quick and so violent that I would never risk eating them again. I am guessing at some point i will become adverse to the smell of them as well.

    Its very odd as I ate bananas as a child and never had a problem , and the melon one only surfacing at the ripe old age of 40 it makes you wonder what suddenly changes in your make up to make you react so violently to things which previously caused no issue ?

    Hey, you should check and make sure you're not also allergic to brazil nuts, or tree nuts in general. My husband is, and the allergist told him that often this allergy goes together with a banana allergy *and* an allergy to certain types of vinyl, like what they use in the dashboards of older cars.

    Allergies are so weird. I have an anaphylactic reaction to wasp stings, but not other stinging insects. As a kid I got stung by wasps a LOT and it was never a problem. In my early twenties, suddenly, they make me potentially die. Ugh, wasps. Like little winged dobermans. :(
  • joeykat16
    joeykat16 Posts: 81 Member
    I don't know that mine is an allergy exactly but my doctor and I just realized that I have a reaction to aspartame. I get almost instant debilitating migraines whenever I consume anything with aspartame. Its not an awful "allergy" to have considering all the studies about aspartame but it does make dieting harder sometimes because most sugar free foods or diet foods contain aspartame (ie light and fit yogurt--- a favorite and all diet sodas). Now I just have to read all labels... not a bad thing, it makes me think twice sometimes about consuming things after I read what is really in them.
  • nykolah
    I have a very severe allergy to tree nuts (I go into anaphylactic shock, carry epi-pens with me at all times and it's 911 to the hospital - fun times!). They are not something I can just eat to taste - the life threatening chances are not worth it. However the smell of them is enough to send my body alerts telling me to stay away. I had a peanut allergy as a kid that I have since outgrown but it used to be the same with with peanut butter. I could pick out the scent a mile away and really found it to be a horrible smell. For a while after finding out I was no longer allergic to peanuts, the smell still caused me to avoid them - maybe it was still a psychological thing from childhood.
  • BKillinger
    Im allergic to Donuts....they make my stomach swell.
  • judy20in2011
    judy20in2011 Posts: 143 Member
    ^^That happens to me with oranges^^ Dr. says it's a food sensitivity, not a true allergy YET :(
  • judy20in2011
    judy20in2011 Posts: 143 Member
    ^^That happens to me with oranges^^ Dr. says it's a food sensitivity, not a true allergy YET :(

  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    What happens? Most doctors don't understand allergies vs. intolerances. Either one can be mild or severe. A mild allergy is not an intolerance, and a severe intolerance is not an allergy. Things like itching, swelling, hives, shortness of breath, cold or sweating, etc. are signs of allergy, not intolerance.

    ^^That happens to me with oranges^^ Dr. says it's a food sensitivity, not a true allergy YET :(
  • tanjonmom2
    We sound like long lost twins do you also have seasonal allergies??? Or happen to live in the Willamette Valley?
    I am allergic to a lot of foods (all nuts, apples. peaches, cherries, any fruit that has a pit really) and I don't hate the smell of them, sometimes I get worried when I smell peanut butter though. It makes me feel kind of nauseous. If you are allergic to peanuts, I would recommend sunflower seed butter. I haven't had peanut butter in aroud 8 years, so it tastes the same to me and I love it :)
  • ChanyRae
    ChanyRae Posts: 112
    I have a severe intolerance to Mussels. Sad because I used to LOVE them, but suddenly when I was 21 I became violently sick for hours after eating them (even if i just ate one).....and it's happened everytime I ate them after that.

    We were worried it was going to be a shellfish intolerance all together but I can still eat shrimp, calamari and clams :smile:
    I will never touch another mussel again!
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I'm allergic to tomatoes but I still eat them because I love pasta. The consequences are worth it for me :)

    Surely that's an intolerance then, rather than an allergy? I'd be dead if I ate oranges.