

  • Oikos yogurt! 12 g of protein and low cal.
  • I too am on prednisone. I am currently @ 20 mg daily. Depending on dosage, the length of time you are on the medications, and your side affects (hunger, happy, angry, swollen hands and feet, increased/decreased energy) I would speak to your pharamcist about loosing weight and how you cant curtail some of the side affects.…
  • Yoga....It works on strength, balance. flexibility and core. And such a great stress reliever.
  • Potaotoes and bananas off the top of my head. But here is a link to a great website that breaks down the top 100 healthiest foods. It has a food of the week and it is really helpful in letting you know what each food does for your body. All the foods listed are common and easy to find. Hope it helps..not sure what clean…
  • Hi. I don't have an insulin issue, but do have a chronic disease. My goal is to improve my health through diet. I just watched an amazing documentary FORKS OVER KNIVES. Anyone on meds for chronic conditions should check it out.
  • I am with the squash super yummy. If you have a sweet tooth add cinnamon. 2 cups is under 100 calories and it is filling.
  • Congrats on your accomplishment. So awesome and a great inspiration!! And I have to add you look healthy. I have seen people loose over 100 lbs with surgery and they have this unhealthy look. You look great and did it the not so easy but rewarding way. CHEERS! 12
  • I am not sure about utube but Direct Tv nad Netflix both hove Yoga shows. I am also on a time constraint so I found some 10 min kickbocking, ab blaster and dance videos on Netflix. Great way to start the morning with out alot of time taken up.
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