

  • its more of a space issue but i'll try. and yeah i've tried putting it down the way it goes up but my body doesn't seem to agree on how it went up. i'll post a video tomorrow night or sunday
  • yeah probably, might need to wait till the end of the week though , going tomorrow on my own and i dont think i'll be able to position my phone anywhere
  • i love it !! totaly addicted! started about 7 months ago with absolutly no upper body strengh but if you keep at it it really does make a differance and its a great laugh too :)
  • i did a full marathon last june, i found mpf really helped with making sure you get your training done but also that you eat the right amount and kinds of food. also the marathon gave me the motivation to keep my dieting on track. I did a powerwalking marathon so didn't actually run it but start training asap! and…