

  • So happy for your decision to quit smoking! Wish you much success! I'm over 50, 5'2", and started at 175lbs. and size 14 (getting tight) jeans. It took me about a year to get down to 168lbs and that's when I joined MFP. since Christmas I have lost 9 lbs and am comfortable in size 12 jeans - 10's are still tighter than I…
  • If you go to the article website: it explains the "why" for each food. As I said, they are each "stars" for certain nutritional necessities.
  • Of course it's not saying you HAVE to eat these every day and certainly you wouldn't eat what you are allergic to. If you will think about it, these foods just happen to be "stars" in the categories of antioxidants, omega fats, fiber, phytonutrients. There are many others you can substitute that are as good or close. BTW -…
  • Hi Patty, I'm 58 - at least for a few more weeks:) I think you will love MFP - it has really helped me. I just joined after Christmas, so I am still learning. I'd love to have some friends who are in the same boat!
  • I also have had trouble keeping my carbs down. I see you add some sugar. I know its hard but if you can cut out adding sugar it will help some. Also choose fruits that are higher in fiber than bananas. I love them dearly, but have them only as a treat, not regularly because they just aren't diet friendly for me. I seemed…
  • I only started mfp a few days ago and one of the things that seems to be a problem for me is I go over my carb recommendation before I get the calories I need, partly because of eating more fruits and veggies. So I have been examining my food log and looking for lower carb options. One thing I have done is substitute…
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