My food diary is Public/Need Feedback

Need Feedback!!

So I'm managing to stay under my calories daily but I think I still need help with my food choices. What should I eat to add more protein? Any suggestions on lower carb snacks? Are there any snacks with more protein? I'm also over on my sugar alot. What's your take on dairy products?

Please Help!!

I'm also exercising between 30 min to an hour 4-5 days per week. Exercises include Zumba twice a week, Tae Bo, Kettle Bell Training and other resistance training.

Thanks in Advance for the Advice.


  • niqua215
    niqua215 Posts: 283 Member
  • atag2011
    atag2011 Posts: 45 Member
    Non fat greek yogurt, protein powder, cottage cheese, almonds, protein bars like zone or kashi go lean. Try those!
  • niqua215
    niqua215 Posts: 283 Member
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    You are very high on sodium. The MAX is 2500, you should keep it to about 1500 a day as best you can. Protein is kind of low, correct the MFP settings to 25-30%.
  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member
    You are very high on sodium. The MAX is 2500, you should keep it to about 1500 a day as best you can. Protein is kind of low, correct the MFP settings to 25-30%.

    Not necessarily true about sodium

  • I also have had trouble keeping my carbs down. I see you add some sugar. I know its hard but if you can cut out adding sugar it will help some. Also choose fruits that are higher in fiber than bananas. I love them dearly, but have them only as a treat, not regularly because they just aren't diet friendly for me. I seemed to go over on carbs more when I drank more milk - I now mainly use yogurt for my dairy/calcium. A favorite breakfast of mine in a cup of multigrain cheerios with 6oz of Dannon Light & Fit yogurt instead of milk. Good protein, keeps my carbs down a little and is more filling. I have eggs when I need more protein, too. I envy your exercise routine!
  • Ant_M76
    Ant_M76 Posts: 534 Member
    Chicken, eggs, tuna, greek yogurt (not necessarily in that order)
  • joyfulteach
    joyfulteach Posts: 419 Member
    Definately cut back on the bananas. Berries have much less sugar and are high in fiber. If you want to friend me I eat low catb/high protein!!
  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member
    Definately cut back on the bananas. Berries have much less sugar and are high in fiber. If you want to friend me I eat low catb/high protein!!

    I see bananas as the perfect fruit, so I am not sure why two posts here argue against eating them.
    Of course you don't want to eat too many, but a 100-calorie banana in the morning and a couple more during the day should not break your diet, right?
  • Shoechick5
    Shoechick5 Posts: 221 Member
    Chicken, eggs, tuna, greek yogurt (not necessarily in that order)

    Great suggestions!

    Drop some of your carby snacks and replace with lean proteins.
  • ElPumaMex
    ElPumaMex Posts: 367 Member
    Using this software,

    I was able to extract your calories, carbs, etc.

    Starting from Jan 8th, until yesterday, these are your averages PER DAY:

    Calories Carbs (g) Fat (g) Protein (g) Cholesterol (mg) Sodium (mg) Sugars (g) Fiber (g)
    1696 211 62 89 281 3051 67 24

    your calories goal is around 1790, so you below the limit.
    (BTW, I would also double check if 1790 calories is a correct limit)

    Your carbs goal is 240, so you are definitively fine with the bananas, etc.
    On fat, your goal is 60 and you are a little above. So cut on fatty food.

    Protein you are way above your goal of 67, but I would not be worried. I know this is controversial, but iIn my book high protein is ok.

    Sugar is way high from your target of 36, but most of it is due to the fruit. I consider fruits' sugars as a good thing. But watch out for any processed sugars.

    Fiber, you are fine.

    Sodium is higher than recommended, but not too bad.
    I would recommend for you to drink more water; I have found it helps me for the diet. I have read drinking water allows your body to release extra water stored, but who knows. Anyhow, it is good for you.

    So in general, I say check your calorie limit and see if you need to lower it, but otherwise stay the course !!
  • gingerb85
    gingerb85 Posts: 357 Member
    Cutting back on processed and prepackaged foods should help with the sodium. Prepared foods are full of sodium even when the dish doesn't taste salty.

    Try old fashioned rolled oats (or steel cut oats if you have the time to cook them) and fruit in the morning instead of instant oatmeal. You can control the sugar and the, oddly enough, instant oats have their fair share of sodium as well. I eat rolled oats cooked in milk (almond milk now) with fresh or frozen fruit added during the cooking process. Berries are my favorites, but I'll also add peaches, apples, and even a little canned pumpkin when it's cold. (Pumpkin just seems perfect for cold weather.)

    Perhaps incorporate more veggies (not corn or potatoes - those would be more accurately classified as starches), preferably without sauces.

    One of my favorite snacks is hummus and veggies. I love cukes, baby carrots, broccoli, sliced red bell peppers, and such as dippers.

    I also love apples and a natural peanut butter or other nut butter for a snack. It is very filling and satisfies my sweet tooth.

    Frozen grapes are a great snack. Freezing concentrates the sugars and the crunch is very satisfying. Love frozen grapes!
  • rkennedy39
    rkennedy39 Posts: 12 Member
    Just a small comment in reference to your sodium intake, I would try to cut down on it some. For me, it did stall my weightloss for a while. Some of the foods you eat maybe be a little high in sodium. Try to eat more lean cuts of meat that are lower in sodium.
  • niqua215
    niqua215 Posts: 283 Member
    Thank you all for the very informative feedback! I will try my best to incorporate this into my diet.