Anyone over 50 on here?

Would like to make friends just started myfitnesspal today. :smile:


  • Hey Patty, I am almost 50. There are quite a few of us on here. Friend me!
  • I am 50 and started using this about a month ago. You are welcome to friend me.
  • lavendergirll
    lavendergirll Posts: 81 Member
    Hey! I here too! Welcome! You are going to really like this place! Lots of great people and support! Pris
  • GlenWalterGal
    GlenWalterGal Posts: 85 Member
    Hi, you can add me if you want, I joined a few weeks ago and I love it.
  • I am 53 and have been using MFP for 3 months----I have lost 40 lbs!! MFP has been a great way to track food and exercise; both essential to losing weight, I think. A big motivator for me has been a weight loss challenge at work that I just won! Now I just need to keep working at it, I'd like to lose 80-90 lbs total.
  • Oh yeah baby and getting better every day. I feel better than i've ever felt. I have more energy, stamina, endurance and wisdom. This is a great place for people of all ages. This is where it is at!
  • catcassetta
    catcassetta Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! I will be 52 next month =) I have been using Fitness Pal on & off for a little while and decided it's time to get serious! I have about 50lbs to lose and realized it's time to stop procrastinating! Looking for support =)
  • Janiot
    Janiot Posts: 187 Member
    Hello Patty, I am 53yr old - joined MFPon Monday and have already lost 1 kg. I'd love to have you all as friends. Jan
  • Hi Patty, I'm 58 - at least for a few more weeks:) I think you will love MFP - it has really helped me. I just joined after Christmas, so I am still learning. I'd love to have some friends who are in the same boat!

  • gabe_irun4coffee
    gabe_irun4coffee Posts: 230 Member
    Welcome to MFP, I'm 51 and I've met a lot of people on here who are in their 50's, it's a great program and works well. I like the accountability you get with your friends. Good Luck to all, feel free to friend me if you'd like I enjoy helping others and motivating with some fun.
  • I am 50 and can use some friends to help keep me going. I have been doing this for four weeks and have lost 7 lbs, but have hit a plateau and feel a bit discouraged.
  • lja20
    lja20 Posts: 54 Member
    Me! I'm 51 and joined 1/3/12. I'm down almost 8 pounds already... hoping to lose a total of 50 this year. Feel free to add me, can never have too much support! Best of luck to you.
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    54 here!!
  • I'm 5 today... 5 days that is ... in the other count I'm 60!!!! i know taken me long enough!!!! friend me if you'd like an old
  • kat1014
    kat1014 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi..I am 51. Could use some friends. Please feel free to friend me.
  • whynotnana
    whynotnana Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Patti, I am 69 and Im sure you will find lots of help here on this site. I have lost 5lbs and I have been on just about 3 weeks. I have about 20 or so lbs to lose. I also have lost inches--on my waist and hip--maybe just one hip, lol- but it feels good
  • krwebb
    krwebb Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm 51 and just "restarted" my journey on MFP. I used this tool about a year back and lost 21 lbs in 12 weeks. Time came to get rolling again and get more off!:huh:
  • hazjb6
    hazjb6 Posts: 2 Member
    Not 50 but happy to be added as your friend. MFP is a great tool for all ages. So far I have lost 12 lbs and am amazed at how journaling faithfully has kept me committed.
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    52 here! Feel 32...act like I'm 12 at times...I'm adding you!
  • Hi,
    I am 53 and just started using MFP again on Sunday. Tracking takes time but it really does help you to see how quickly calories add up. I am weighing around 180 and my goal is to get to 150. Which I know will take a lot of work and dedication and changin behaviors. That would be truly amazing to weigh 150. I've been a roller coaster dieter for years and always can loose weight but never stick with eating healthy.