

  • That is great that you are getting good results! yay! well done. I too have combined keto and IF and am getting some good weight loss results (despite what my counter says because I only added it yesterday,) and having good energy levels all day, sleeping well, maintaining a good mood and not having cravings; I even fed my…
  • why do people get so grumpy on these forums? low blood sugar dieters, perhaps? ;P
  • He sounds like a terrific motivator! What a helpful, supportive man! :)
  • I just had a look at Chris_B62's diary and wow, Chris, you are awesome, look at how low those carbs are! and looks like a very controlled amount of calories too. You must have great self disciple. Good on you and keep it up!!! OP, if you haven't done so already, have a look at Chris' diary for some inspiration - it…
  • don't eat it - eat something you enjoy and that is nutrient-dense or will make you feel virtuous. The sandwich should have thought long and hard before it made itself so boring. and if it isn't fresh then it'll probably be even worse than you anticipate. any local birds will enjoy it, find some ducks or crows or worms or…
  • I am the same height as you and eating 1200 a day too, and it is working for me very well, especially when I exercise. I have found that I don't need to eat my exercise calories to feel satisfied, I just don't need all that food and I'm feeling great for it in the end anyway; I have heaps of energy, sleeping and thinking…