

  • You may need to eat more calories each day. It's good that you're drinking tons of water. I remember in Weight Watchers they always suggested drinking tons of water whenever you hit a plateau. Maybe work toward a gallon a day (you're almost there anyway!). Switching up your workout routine would also be a good idea. It…
  • Think of it this way. Before you started losing weight your body's immunity was in a state of equilibrium. You may not have been eating very healthy, but you body was used to it. Now that you're losing weight and eating better it's thrown your immunity off balance. It's not a bad thing, but you just have to give yourself…
  • I'd love a new buddy!! The more I hold myself accountable to others, the better I stay on track with my goals!! You'll love this site. Everyone is extremely supportive and motivational.
  • I freaked when I changed my journal to show sugar. I spoke with my nutritionist about how much I was ingesting and he said not to worry so much about the natural sugars that I ingest from my fruits/veggies/yogurt etc. Just pay careful attn to your refined sugar intake. As far as sugar substitutes go, I would choose stevia.…
  • These shoes are too cool!!! I might have to give them a try.
  • Just keep journaling everything you eat. I'm an emotional eater as well. I've been on MFP for a month and the journaling has really helped keep me motivated. Last week was really bad for me, but I kept journaling and this week I'm getting back on track. It's a constant struggle to change our habitual eating. Don't let your…