coatek Member


  • It is recommended to eat around 30 mins after exercise because your body has an increased metabolic rate during the recovery period, therefore your digestion will be quicker. Bear in mind the cals will still be there so don't overdo it.
  • I have the same problem too and it does get frustrating but look at it like this this. The average bathroom scale could be only 1% repeatable so on 200lb it could read 2lb different EVERY time you step on it. I weigh myself every day cos even with all the fluctuations, if you are losing weight you WILL see a downward trend…
  • Jees. 1200cals?? thats 3 cans of Stella. I think I'm on the wrong forum. Keep it up guys, more exercise thats what I say.:happy:
  • Jees. 1200cals?? thats 3 cans of Stella. I think I'm on the wrong forum. Keep it up guys, more exercise thats what I say.:happy: