

  • Just turned 48! Time seems to be the biggest constraint as I get older. Feel free to add me.
  • I have a 21 month old. I try to get my workout in during my lunch hour at work, because when I get home my son is first priority. They grow up so fast. I also have a 22 year old. Believe me 20 years from now you will never have any regrets for having missed a workout, but you will regret not spending time with your child.…
  • Just be patient and stay motivated. You're energy level will slowly rise beyond your expectations. I am 48 years old with a 21 month old son. I weighed in at 213 when my son was born and am now approaching 185. I just kept telling myself that if I didn't take control of my weight I might not be around for him...there is no…
  • A girl once gave me a tazmanian devil after only a few dates...I loved it.
  • Fast food french fries. Typically a fast food sandwich is around 500 calories alone, but if you add fries it practically doubles your calories for one meal.