Train2fitness Member


  • Hi Olivia, due to nature of your condition, i can't advise you what's best, as it is above my professional knowledge. A physiotherapist is better suited for advice regarding your situation sorry.
  • Light upper body work is fine, if possible do it in a seated position, so as to not weight bear on the foot. i would recommend physiotherapy after the cast comes off, this will help to mobilise the ankle again and to regain muscle strength in your legs due to muscle wastage caused by the cast. Until a physio clears you to…
  • Protein Shakes are generally taken directly after a workout, as there main purpose is for recovery. If your using for them for weight loss, there are many protein shakes tailored to this, many contain green tea extract, CLA & Acai berries. Best to get advice from a supplement shop so its best suited to your needs. Eg if…
  • Without knowing possible side affects to your medication, i couldn't give an accurate answer to your question. Without this factor, Did you diet change. From my past experiences i have noticed that some of my clients have taken longer to initially lose weight, as your body becomes lean it starts to burn more kcals…
  • Sumo deadlifts create more knee extension so focus on the quads to a great extent. Sumo deadlifts have greater ankle movements, which are dorsiflexion moments throughout the lift, while the conventional deadlift maintained plantar-flexion moments throughout the lift. sumo deadlifts make use of the tibialis anterior to a…
  • Resistance bands are a good starting point if used correctly and with good form. Make sure your using the correct resistance and rep system though as if too easy results will be slim to none. In my opinion buy a set of adjustable dumbbells when you can afford to. And focus on form and the correct weight that challenges you.
  • Kettlebells are not specifically used for gaining strength somewhat, although they develop your core and posterior chain strength. In my opinion the purpose of kettlebells are more a dynamic tool for increasing motor skills and stablisation skills. Barbells are very hard to use dynamically unless your doing Olympic lifts,…
  • Is it only these exercises that make you hungry? To be honest there could be a number of reasons. It depends when and what you ate pre workout. All exercise also burns calories, depending on the activity and the intensity will account for how many calories and how quickly they are burnt.There are also a number of other…
  • Not selling anything, just a basic q&a
  • If you want a good kettlebell program for fat burning, toning, and all round fitness try the kettlercise series for men or women dvds which is amazing for home workouts. Or most local gyms put on Kettlercise, i teach in Stoke and Crewe. But if your looking for strength and size look for videos of Steve cotter. Beware of…
  • To get complete proteins you need to consume meat or soya beans. All other vegetables do not contain complete proteins. As long as you keep to lean cuts of meat you should be fine.
  • Shin splints are normally caused by poorly chosen footwear, or how you run. Ease the swelling by freezing water in a plastic cup with a lollypop stick inside, then massage the area in a circular motion with the ice lolly.
  • Kettlercise for women DVDs are brilliant! Do 2 now, plus a for men to. Guy noble gets really good results, his courses are fantastic. Can be purchased on Amazon with or without kettlebells. Or search on google for details. Well worth it though
  • tricep dips are always good on a office chair! beware of the wheels rolling though. Holding the core tight throughout the day is good too. Sit on a Exercise ball all day instead of an office chair.
  • I work as a fitness Instructor, currently studying to become a personal trainer.
  • I was 91 kg before Christmas, a week ago i was 85.5 kg but my target is 78 kg by next Christmas