And back again. It was a hell of a year, and it took its toll on my weight. 295...sheesh.
Don't know if this got touched on, but cortisol, the stress hormone goes through the roof when calorie deficit has been a regular thing. Not only can this lead to easy fat storage but it seems to also be linked to depressed immune systems. I am sure there have to be some knowledgable dudes out there who know the specifics…
My past if full of liquid binges. Whole fifths of Drambuie, or worse the fifths of vodka with halfracks of non diet soda as mixer. 2720 completely empty calories.
I can't be of much help because for the first time since I was a kid, I can actually buy those same walmart wranglers and they currently fit me well enough. Admittedly it could just be the ecstatic side of fitting a 38/34 loosely when I was wearing 44's a year ago. Good luck with the jeans hunt.
I am using one as well, it helps fill the gaps. Not the same, but better than suffering and lashing out at my co workers :)
Now is when things get really ugly.... on a 30 day smoking cessation. Hopefully I don't undo any of my hard work.
And a muppet .gif couldn't be more appropo!
To the Hat, with the Hailing and the Stuff. And my own exclamation regarding such a feat.... Holy Sheeeeeeit! Congrats man, that is phenomenal!
Perhaps they mean that the rye flour is 95% whole grain?
Not taking any credit, but thanks for recognizing us chrome domers :)
To the Hat! With the hailing, and the stuff...
Going from the opposite direction... 6'3" started at 322 lbs, currently 245.6 (yay digital scales) at around 17-18% bf. If I can keep this going without losing too much more lean mass, I should hit 12% around 230-235. Yeah, viking genetics means I can't be a skinny dude like some of you. Good luck on the weight gain!
Thanks, will keep the death to a minimum. All for the raiding and pillaging!
Scanned your food log going back a couple of weeks. I am NOT getting down on you for your adult beverages, but you might think about the sugars you are taking in, you seem to be a bit of a fruit junkie, and alot of the reading I have been doing suggests fruit sugars are some of the most easily converted to fat. Maybe…
I am doing some body weight workouts that I found at a website called Nerd Fitness. It helped me break a plateau that I hit from just the diet. If you check it out, the Angry Birds workout is a great way to get started.
Not my final words but my tombstone should read "He said what?!"
I have the hereditary dark circles. Vitamin C helps them fade, but whenever I stop taking the supplements, they inevitably come back.
If the ranch on the side is a standard size ramekin, there is no way that is a 10oz burger. Looks like a standard 6oz patty to me. <-- Used to work in the food industry.
I am guilty of doing this once in a while. Its a combination of accountability, showing off good creations, and my personal favorite.."This is diet food?" just to prove that healthy eating isn't all twigs and berries.
Yet another 40.
I would just find the base pizza, and guesstimate the additional toppings. I have gotten pretty good at the guessing. Just be honest, or overestimate just a bit.... two tablespoons works much better as a 1/4 cup.
Just try any of them, and see what suits you. I wouldn't call myself an expert but there are a multitude of bean types out there, and I think they are all fairly interchangable. Chick peas (garbanzo beans) have always been a nice substitute for other beans, just need to change up your spices and flavors to suit the bean!
6'3" Started at 322, down to 298, and for now targetting 250. Hearing your description, I thought you would look downright skeletal, but seeing the pictures, you look pretty much proportionate. I don't know if I could pull off the same loss, I don't think I have weighed under 200 since I was 15? Oi, congrats on all the…