

  • Offhand, I thought the salted peanuts (lightly or not) were fairly bad for you? I'd love a good healthy trail mix. As for the sweetness, my mother used to buy Karob (sp?) which she considered an alternative to chocolate even though I recall it being not too similar. Not sure if it would do the trick.
  • Dry skin? I hadn't heard that before. I did a quick search on Flax and found this: http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flax#Flax_seed It did not say much of anything about helping Dry Skin. Other searching found things like "When smoothed on your skin, flax oil can help lock in moisture and prevent water loss through the…
  • When you say grow your own food, do cows count? :) We have 10 acres and raise some cattle for beef. I've found it so much tastier than beef purchased at a grocery store, and our butcher makes them so lean we have to add a litle crisco to the ground beef for it to stick together to make hamburger patties! We do have a small…