

  • I'm an Aussie, but I'm afraid I don't have any real answers for you :) Protein is one thing I struggle with (I'm avoiding shakes for the moment, but I suspect I'm going to have to start having them soon), so any answers you get on that front would be nice to see! Oh, cereal (Protein 1st) + flax + greek yoghurt + banana for…
  • I went over my normal calories by 1500 and 1000 calories last weekend, and ended up losing 900g (about 2 pounds) this week. Think of them as spike/free days - your body (normally) loves a free day every now and then, and the extra calories shouldn't cause any problems with losing weight. Just make sure to drink your water.
  • I've got an FT4. I generally like it, but I don't like the fact you can't set your resting heart rate. Mine is naturally high (narrow rib cage - had ultrasounds, etc when I was young to investigate it), so the calories estimates I get for doing anything end up high. It's not a huge problem (I just halve the calorie…
    in Polar HRM Comment by jasonga March 2012
  • I've got a Polar FT4. It's okay, but I suspect it massively over-estimates my calories burnt, as it doesn't have the ability to set your resting heart rate. So whatever brand you get, I recommend you get one where you can set that value.
  • I haven't made them, but I think it could be fine. The egg whites are what's giving the cupcakes their volume - the flour is more a stabilizer than the main bulking ingredient. They're probably more like a sponge than a normal cake.
  • The only three categories I've seen MFP change when you exercise are carbs, protein and overall fat. The others don't seem to change.
  • I think it's a good idea. It will convince your body that food is plentiful, and it doesn't have to try and store any extra for emergencies. I've also heard the idea that you should only "diet" for 12 weeks at a time, then go onto maintenance for a week to trick you body in the same way. No idea if it helps or not, but…
  • Does it count if I'm on here for both of us? :) My wife doesn't want to worry about the calorie counting aspect, but I created a second account so I could track how many calories she is having. I do the cooking (and have a detail-obsessed personality :) ), so it's easier that way anyway.
  • I managed to get them all right (although I had to ponder a couple of them), but only because of everything I've learned from MFP over the past month.
  • My wife and I cut out most takeaways last year (before we began to try and lose weight - just an attempt to eat a bit more healthy), then had some KFC after a few months. We both felt very ill afterwards! McD was the same.
  • I tend to alternate between loving to cook, and finding it a chore. Now that my wife and I have commited to this lifestyle change, I don't have the lazy fallback of just getting takeaway whenever I don't feel like cooking :)
  • Hi everyone. My name's Jason, and I'm a Tassie person, living in Hobart. Nice to meet you all :)
  • I had this for a snack this morning - delicious!