

  • i am ADDICTED to this stuff :) i eat it about twice a week. the great thing is i was feeling so carb deprived (insulin resistant) and just wanted PASTA. once i tried this, i will NEVER go back. i soften it in the microwave, like some of the other posts. it only takes 10 minutes. i top with roasted veggies (asparagus,…
  • I am hoping it is accurate! I have always used my Wii, and I didnt feel like it was lying when it told me I topped out at 235 ;) I am hoping that it is telling me the truth with my 19lb loss so far! I weighed at the doctor around the same time I had topped out on my Wii at 235, and I remember thinking it was similar. Not…
  • I completley understand. I am insulin resistant, and it is a MAJOR uphill battle. I started taking metformin, got a trainer, and am trying to eat 100% clean. I know that my body cannot operate efficiently with any type of bad carb (no breads, starches etc). It has been hard, as now I see the direct link between my CRAVING…
  • I work at a computer, so I just log as I go along. I am pretty much ALWAYS on this site. The weekends, I log as I go on my phone (I dont have an App, I just access the Web and do it that way). If I am in a hurry, and cant log something on the weekend - then I take a picture of it and that reminds me to log it later when I…
  • Ok - I was increddibly sore and exhausted last night, so I didnt do the Shred :( I did work out with my trainer in the morning yesterday - and since I told her that I wanted to do the Shred she has taken it upon herself to kick my *kitten* a bit more! So - I think I will just do the Shred on the days I am not working out…
  • I started yesturday, and will do L1D2 tonight. Uggghh....my arms hurt! I dont know how I am going to do this - but I will power through :) Current weight 221.1 measurements taken on Wednesday...
  • That is so sweet! My eyes filled with tears when I read this too! My son (5 yrs old) has shocked me with his support. The other day in the car with his little friend there was a lul in the conversation and nothing was going on. To fill the gap he says "My mom has lost 9 pounds, we are getting healthy so we can have a…
  • @MamaJess - you are too funny! I thought the same thing!!! Seriously, they make jeans that don't stretch??? This is an odd theory for me to grasp.... Thanks ladies - I appreciate all your words. They gave me a lot to think about, including that there is a whole world of un-strectchy clothes out there! ;)
  • ok...i alllmoossstt talked myself out of doing day 1, but thank god i powered through. L1D1 DONE...29 MORE TO GO! I also worked out with my trainer today, and have her again in the morning. i will do this for the 30 days straight - i want to get it done and over with! ;) 30 DS pre-day 1: 225.5lb measurements taken wed (day…
  • starting tomorrow, but measuring monday. i weigh on wednesdays- so i'll weigh in then....im excited! bought my DVD and hand weights today :) letttsss doooo thiiisss!
  • starting tomorrow, but measuring monday. i weigh on wednesdays- so i'll weigh in then....im excited! bought my DVD and hand weights today :) letttsss doooo thiiisss!
  • Thanks ladies! All your words of encouragement are so nice to read. It is truly a battle that nobody really knows you are going through - it is so nice to see other's who have had success with it. I really felt like I had no hope and would be stuck because of PCOS. When I see women who have lost 40, 50, 60+ pounds - it…
  • banana. 1/2 avacado. almonds. cup of coffee. of course, not all together...just 1 of those...it's my "OMG im huunnggrrry" list :)
  • i feel your pain! i have nevvver, and i mean eeevvver- lost weight in my adult life. i started metformin 2 months ago, got a personal trainer 3wks ago, and started MFP 3 wks ago also. in the past 23 days i've lost 10lbs! all of these ingredients finally found me some sort of success in a struggle i have always lost. feel…
    in PCOS Comment by DianneMoreno July 2010
  • thanks ladies! im 10lb down now....i'm sorry- but hollllyy *kitten*! i'm just so frick'n excited, motivated and beyyoond happy!
  • im in! i have been wanting to start, and this will get and keep me motivated. i guess i will take before pictures sometime this week, along with measurements and weight. i'll do all 30 days beforre i measure or take a pic (but i'll weigh throughout). yeeaaa!
  • can you tell us WHY your doctor suggested this? what is her scientific approach to this? we all know MFPs approach, and why it works for the masses. i would just like to hear supporting information for your doctors recomendation
  • i completely agree with the omlettw for breakfast. i started this week doing that, and i am amazed at how full i stay until noon or even 1pm. my new favorite trick:) and i have it worked out to 417 calorie meal
  • i completely agree with the omlettw for breakfast. i started this week doing that, and i am amazed at how full i stay until noon or even 1pm. my new favorite trick:) and i have it worked out to 417 calorie meal
  • i follow the rule of half your weight in ouncess each day. i drink atleast 113 oz. per day (226lb). i have noticed great things happening, including the scale going down :) drink up!
    in H2O ? Comment by DianneMoreno July 2010
  • interesting, thank you!
  • i found a water bottle at tuesay morning that has a computer on it that measures how much i drink each day. i am drinking 1/2 my weight in ounces (115 oz.!) each day, and its hard! but i do it every day b/c of the computer that tells me the percentage i am to my goal. oh...and i pee A LOT!
  • This is the same reason I am loosing weight, I want to get preggers! My hubby and I have been having unprotected sex for 4 years, but not "trying". We started "trying" in January, and nothing yet. I decided to just stop concentrating on it, and start concentrating on ME. My OBGYN did do a blood work-up, and found that my…
  • I am too scared to do it more than once a week! I am working so hard, I dont want to be discouraged by seeing it go up - cause I know that will be a shot in the gut to me! Once a week for now, maybe more later - but not until I really feel like I have control over this whole process :)