

  • I had tons of magazine clippings and knew exactly what I wanted. I wanted a sheath type dress with a halter top, and it had to be white lace. I absolutely did not want ivory, strapless, buttons, anything that looked like a big dress, no princess gowns, etc. I tried on a dress that was almost exactly what I had in my mind…
  • I'm getting married June 9th, 2013. My fiance and I are paying for everything ourselves so we are planning a smaller wedding so we can save for a house, however my mother bought my wedding gown. Its the most beautiful piece of clothing I will ever own. It's from the Vera Wang White collection and has a mermaid type shape,…
  • Hi everyone, I just started Ripped in 30 today and I thought it was going to kill me haha. I was nauseaus for about an hour afterwards but I'm looking forward to sticking it out! It was nice to read everyones on their experiences! I'll let everyone know how it goes for me! :)
  • Well I know I joined a little too late but I started today. I'm doing the Ripped in 30. I must be so out of shape! Afterwards, I thought I was going to throw up for almost an hour and I couldn't stop shaking lol. Hopefully by the end of the month I'll be kicking butt.
  • Hi! We are in Ontario, Canada. My fiance is in the process of joining the Thorold Fire Department, just outside Niagara Falls. He just did his CPAT and was training so hard. I want to be able to go on his morning runs with him, but I don't want to be slowing him down. I'm excited to be getting in better shape now. I'm…
  • Hi everyone, Im 5'4" and I weigh 160 lbs. I started at 180 but I'd like to get down to 120. I'm 24 years old and live in Ontario, Canada. I'm hoping to flatten my belly before my wedding in June. I found a beautiful dress but when I put it on, all I can see is my tummy right now. I hope I can shrink my size before June! I…
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